04 job es2j009d employment change report

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Job ES2J009D - Employment Change Report

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs (click to link to each program description):

Job Features and Functions

  • Searches Micro File for records with large employment and/or wage changes
  • Search compares any two quarters in Micro File
  • Employment comparison is for third month of specified quarters
  • Serves as economic evaluator to identify increasing and decreasing accounts

Job 009D produces a report of Micro File records for which employment or total wages changed by at least a specified amount between two specified quarters. The report can be either at firm level (masters and singles) or establishment level (singles and sub-units). The report is based on NAICS codes.

The report includes records with both positive changes (increases) and negative changes (decreases) to employment or wages. The report is separated into two sections (positive-change and negative-change employers). This information can assist in spotting possible employment transfers and general economic trends.

This report can be used as an economic evaluation tool. It will identify larger growth employers or large declining employers for the State, geographical areas within the State, or for particular industries. It can serve as a resource for writing narrative analyses. It can also serve as a supplement to system edits in identifying large (and perhaps erroneous) employment and/or wage changes.

The parameters are used to select records from the Micro File for inclusion on the report. The logic for the minimum employment and wage differences parameters are such that if the third month employment and/or total wage change for a record exceeds the corresponding parameters, it is selected for inclusion in the report. If selection is to be based on employment, but not wages (or vice versa), a numerical change parameters should be specified for either employment or wages, but not both with the opposite field being filled with 9’s. Therefore, if the user only wants a list of employment changes, the minimum employment change parameter should be set to the desired level and the wage change parameter should be set to all 9’s.

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