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Account Groups File (ES2GRP)

ES2GRP - Length 22 - Revised 9/19/2003


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
144KeyCharGRP-GROUP-IDAccount Group ID Code; assigned by the user to distinguish the group of accounts from other groups on file
51915KeyCharGRP-SESA-IDState Employment Security Agency identification of an establishment in the selection group; sub-defined below
51410RKeyCharGRP-ACCTU-I account number for selected account or firm, right-justified with leading zeroes
15195RKeyCharGRP-RPT-UNITOptional reporting unit number (RUN) field to specify a single or master account (00000), or a worksite sub-unit (00001 through 99999); if this field is left blank, the application retrieving the group is to interpret this as a signal to select all worksites in the multi-unit family (with a large family, this can be a significant time saver, since separate entries for each of potentially thousands of worksites are not required)
20223KeyCharGRP-YRQYear and quarter of selection for subset processing in the 21F job; yyq format; this field is only utilized in the "SUBS" Group ID, denoting the BLS Subset Group; under SUBS, it must be filled in and represent a valid quarter on the current Micro File; all other records, for all groups, will show this field as spaces

Account Groups File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.GROUP

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.GROUP, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2GRP

CICS ID:                               ES2GRP (standard); EssGRP (Service Center; ss=State)

The Account Groups File provides a list of U-I account numbers and reporting units to group together for specialized applications.  Normally, records are added to this file via on-line entry with the ES2Z transaction.  However, an entire group can be created from scratch using a special output option in Job 20D (selecting micro records by industry, county, zip code, etc., to form the group members).  Once a group is established, it can be used in forms production (selected accounts for MWR or refiling form printing), or as input for various report selections, such as Job 20D (micro selections), 07D (firm list or summary report), etc.

Any group may be selected for processing in the 21F job stream.  However, the "SUBS" (for BLS Subset) Group is selected automatically when the subset processing option is selected in the ES2N parameters.  In that case, even if another group ID has been selected, it will be ignored in lieu of the "SUBS" Group subset processing.  Subset selection will also ignore any year/quarter parameter entered into the 21F parm selections, since the year/quarter field is embedded in each Group record.

​A shortcut feature exists with Group File usage.  If the reporting unit field is left blank, it signals that all of the worksites belonging to the base account number are to be selected so they don't need to be explicitly specified.  Groups can only be deleted through the ES2Z screen.  Otherwise, the file is essentially for read-only usage.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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