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Macro Edit File (ES2MAED)

ES2MAED - Length 40 - Revised 9/19/2003


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
155KeyNumMAED-YEARQYear/quarter for macro edit data (yyyyq format)
353RKeyNumMAED-YRQYear/quarter to match against micro data (yyq format)
61712KeyCharMAED-QCONCombination of QMSA, county, ownership and NAICS code
672RKeyCharMAED-QMSAQMSA Code (if used in the state) segregates the macro edits into geographic regions


KeyCharMAED-CONCombined county, ownership and NAICS, subdivided below
8103RKeyCharMAED-CNTYCounty FIPS code for edit exception macro cell
11111RKeyCharMAED-OWNOwnership code for macro cell, '1' = Federal, '2' = State, '3' = Local, '5' = Private
12176RKeyCharMAED-NAICSNorth American Industry Classification (NAICS) code for cell
12154RKeyCharMAED-SICSIC for cell, alternative for NAICS; this sub-field is now obsolete


KeyCharMAED-ONCAlternative sequence for macro edit data using industry basis rather than county basis
881RKeyCharMAEDO-OWNOwnership code for "ONC" states, with same values as listed above
9146RKeyCharMAEDO-NAICSNAICS code for the cell for ONC states (last two digits must be numeric as well)
9124RKeyCharMAEDO-SICSIC code for the cell of an ONC state's record (next two characters must be blank)
13153RKeyCharMAEDO-CNTYFIPS County code for an ONC state's macro cell
18181 CharMAEDF-UNITFlag for edit exception on macro unit count; 'X' = Unit count flagged, blank = Okay
19191 CharMAEDF-MON1Flag for edit exception on first month's employment; 'X' = Flagged, blank = Okay
20201 CharMAEDF-MON2Flag for edit exception on second month's employment; 'X' = Flagged, blank = Okay
21211 CharMAEDF-MON3Flag for edit exception on third month's employment, 'X' = Flagged, blank = Okay
22221 CharMAEDF-TOTWFlag for edit exception on total wages, 'X' = Flagged, blank = Okay
23231 CharMAEDF-TAXWFlag for taxable wage edit exceptions; Not yet utilized
24241 CharMAEDF-CTRBFlag for contribution edit exceptions; Not yet utilized
254016 CharMAED-EXCPSMacro edit exceptions group level; field composition listed below
25251R NumMAED-EXCP-CTNumber of edit exceptions flagged, shown in the edit listed below
26283R CharMAED-EXCP-CODE(1)First macro edit exception code
29313R CharMAED-EXCP-CODE(2)Second macro edit exception code
32343R CharMAED-EXCP-CODE(3)Third macro edit exception code
35373R CharMAED-EXCP-CODE(4)Fourth macro edit exception code
38403R CharMAED-EXCP-CODE(5)Fifth macro edit exception code

Macro Edit File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.MACRO.EDIT

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.MACRO.EDIT, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2MAED

CICS ID:                               ES2MAED (standard); EssMAED (Service Center; ss=State)

​The Macro Edit File tracks current and prior quarter macro edit exceptions.  Macro edits are performed in Job 42D, merged into the Integrated Edit Report.  They can be reviewed on-line through the ES2D screen, in "Editing" mode.  Possible micro records causing the macro edit exception are listed in the lower half of the display.  If none are assigned to this macro edit record, all micro records in the macro cell can be displayed by switching to "Inquiry" mode.  Changes to micro records on ES2D will adjust the macro data, and macro edits will be reperformed on-line.  If the former edit exceptions are resolved through the micro corrections, the Macro Edit record will be deleted from the file. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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