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Micro Omni (or Omnifarious) Auxiliary File (ES2MOA)

ES2MOA - Length 128 - Revised 1/31/2007


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
CharMOA-SESA-IDSESA ID (U-I account plus reporting unit number) of the account with the particular auxiliary-format record delineated below
11010RKeyCharMOA-ACCTU-I Account number portion of the SESA ID
11155RKeyNumMOA-RPT-UNITReporting Unit number portion of the SESA ID, 00000 = Single or master, 00001-99999 = Worksite record
16161KeyNumMOA-REC-TYPERecord type code, used to distinguish among the various kinds of records available on this file; values include- 'A' = Mailing/other address record; 'C' = Contact (e.g., attention name) data; 'D' = Data disparity record; 'E' = E-mail and fax record; 'P' = Auxiliary predecessor/successor data; 'W' = Website address record
17128112 CharMOA-DATAData portion of the record, formatted uniquely according to the record type above; each possible record layout is listed below
Mailing/Other Address Record Data (Record Type 'A') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
17171 CharMOA-ADDR-TYPEAddress type code, '1' = Physical location address (rarely used for MOA), '2' = Mailing address, '3' = Corporate headquarters, '9' = Unknown/unverified address
185235 CharMOA-ADDRESS1First line of street address for MOA
538735 CharMOA-ADDRESS2Second street address line
8811730 CharMOA-CITYMailing/other address city
1181192 CharMOA-STATEMailing/other address state postal abbreviation
1201289 CharMOA-ZIPFull 9-digit MOA zip code (subdivided below)
1201245R CharMOA-ZIP-5Five-digit zip code (or first five positions of Canadian 6-digit zip code)
1251284R CharMOA-ZIP-4MOA ZIP+4 extension (or last digit of Canadian zip code followed by three spaces)
Contact ​Information Record Data (Record Type 'C') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
175135 CharMOA-CONTACT-NAMEName of the contact person at the establishment when inquiries are needed
175135R CharMOA-ATTN-NAMEAttention name (alias of "Contact name" in use with EXPO for many years); kept for consistency and readability
528635 CharMOA-CONTACT-TITLETitle by which the contact person is addressed
8712852 CharFILLERspaces
Data Disparity Record Data (Record Type 'D') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
174024 CharMOA-FIRST-DISPARITYFirst set of data discrepancy fields for resolution of conflicting data between this sys­tem and other federal systems (BEA, LAUS, Census, etc.); sub-divided below
17171R CharMOA-FD-NAICSIndicator flag within the first disparity set to detect a discrepancy between federal systems with regard to the NAICS code; values not yet known
18181R CharMOA-FD-CNTYIndicator flag in the first set denoting a discrepancy in county codes between federal programs; values are not yet known
19191R CharMOA-FD-PLAIndicator flag within the first set for display of physical-location-address (PLA) dispar­ities between CEW and other federal systems; values not yet disclosed
20201R CharMOA-FD-MEEIIndicator flag in the first set to show multi-establishment employer field disparities between this system and other federal systems; values unknown
21211R CharMOA-FD-EMPLIndicator flag within the first disparity set noting a conflict in employment (apparently for single of multiple months; values not known
22221R CharMOA-FD-WAGEIndicator flag in the first group used to show disparity in total wage values between the CEW/202 and another Federal data source; values not yet listed
23231R CharMOA-FD-FACT-AIndicator flag within the first set for a not-yet-determined data field to be checked for disagreement with the same field in another source of data; no values yet known
24241R CharMOA-FD-FACT-BSecond not-yet-identified field's disparity flag within the first set of such flags; it may be used to flag disagreements in this field's value compared to another data source in the Federal government; values have not yet been identified
25284R NumMOA-FD-NOTIFY-YEARYear (4-digit) during which the ES-202 unit was notified that a discrepancy exists in the field(s) indicated in the flags shown above; if present, this field will be numeric and show a valid year value (e.g., 2004); otherwise, it will be blank; the character- based redefinition of this field is called MOA-FD-NOTIFY-YEAR-X
29324R NumMOA-FD-REVIEW-YEAR4-digit year during which the fields shown above were reviewed, and a resolution was attained as to the true value of these fields; if present, this field will be numeric, a valid year format (e.g., 2005), and either match or exceed the Notify Year field shown above; otherwise it will be blank; the character-based equivalent field is MOA-FD-REVIEW-YEAR-X


 CharMOA-FD-RESULTSA set of eight result indicator flags associated with the disparate fields indicated above; these are shown individually below
33331R CharMOA-FDR-NAICSIndicator in the first disparity set noting the result of a review of the NAICS code value to resolve a conflict with another federal program regarding its value; valid values of this field are not yet known
34341R CharMOA-FDR-CNTYIndicator in the first set to declare the county discrepancy review result, if it had been flagged in the above indicator set; values yet to be determined
35351R CharMOA-FDR-PLAResult indicator for the physical location address discrepancy noted in the first set of disparity indicators; values unknown
36361R CharMOA-FDR-MEEIFirst disparity set indicator for the review result of MEEI certification following receipt of a discrepancy notification as noted in the indicator fields above; unknown values
37371R CharMOA-FDR-EMPLFlag to note the result of a review of the employment value(s) that were questioned by the disparity indicator shown earlier; values not yet released
38381R CharMOA-FDR-WAGETotal wage discrepancy review result flag among the first disparity set; conflict reso­lution values are not known
39391R CharMOA-FDR-FACT-AReview result indicator for the not-yet-identified "Fact A" field, if it needed to be verified due to a disparity identified in the first set of indicators above; unknown values
40401R CharMOA-FDR-FACT-BIndicator flag noting the resolution of a data conflict for the as yet unidentified "Fact B" field according to the discrepancy flags shown earlier; values as yet undeclared
416424 CharMOA-SECOND-DISPARITYSecond set of disparity data, broken out as shown in the fields that follow
41411R CharMOA-SD-NAICSIndicator flag within the second disparity set to detect a discrepancy between federal systems with regard to the NAICS code; values not yet known
42421R CharMOA-SD-CNTYIndicator flag in the second set denoting a discrepancy in county codes between fed­eral programs; values are not yet known
43431R CharMOA-SD-PLAIndicator flag within the second set for display of physical-location-address (PLA) dis­parities between CEW and other federal systems; values not yet disclosed
44441R CharMOA-SD-MEEIIndicator flag in the second set to show multi-establishment employer field disparities between this system and other federal systems; values unknown
45451R CharMOA-SD-EMPLIndicator flag within the second disparity set noting a conflict in employment  (appar­ently for single or multiple months; values not known
46461R CharMOA-SD-WAGEIndicator flag in the second group used to show disparity in total wage values between the CEW/202 and another Federal data source; values not yet listed
47471R CharMOA-SD-FACT-AIndicator flag within the second set for a not-yet-determined data field to be checked for disagreement with the same field in another source of data; no values yet known
48481R CharMOA-SD-FACT-BSecond not-yet-identified field's disparity flag within the second set of such flags; it may be used to flag disagreements in this field's value compared to another data source in the Federal government; values have not yet been identified
49524R NumMOA-SD-NOTIFY-YEARYear (4-digit) during which the ES-202 unit was notified that a discrepancy exists in the field(s) indicated in the flags shown above; if present, this field will be numeric and show a valid year value (e.g., 2004); otherwise, it will be blank; the character-based redefinition of this field is called MOA-FD-NOTIFY-YEAR-X
53564R NumMOA-SD-REVIEW-YEAR4-digit year during which the fields shown above were reviewed, and a resolution was attained as to the true value of these fields; if present, this field will be numeric, a valid year format (e.g., 2005), and either match or exceed the Notify Year field shown above; otherwise it will be blank; the character-based equivalent field is MOA-FD-REVIEW-YEAR-X


 CharMOA-SD-RESULTSA set of eight result indicator flags associated with the disparate fields indicated above; these are shown individually below
57571R CharMOA-SDR-NAICSIndicator in the second disparity set noting the result of a review of the NAICS code value to resolve a conflict with another federal program regarding its value; valid values of this field are not yet known
58581R CharMOA-SDR-CNTYIndicator in the second set to declare the county discrepancy review result, if it had been flagged in the above indicator set; values yet to be determined
59591R CharMOA-SDR-PLAResult indicator for the physical location address discrepancy noted in the second set of disparity indicators; values unknown
60601R CharMOA-SDR-MEEISecond disparity set indicator for the review result of MEEI certification following re­ceipt of a discrepancy notification as noted in the indicator fields above; unknown values
61611R CharMOA-SDR-EMPLFlag to note the result of a review of the employment value(s) that were questioned by the disparity indicator shown earlier; values not yet released
62621R CharMOA-SDR-WAGETotal wage discrepancy review result flag among the second disparity set; conflict resolution values are not known
63631R CharMOA-SDR-FACT-AReview result indicator for the not-yet-identified "Fact A" field, if it needed to be verified due to a disparity identified in the second set of indicators above; unknown values
64641R CharMOA-SDR-FACT-BIndicator flag noting the resolution of a data conflict for the as yet unidentified "Fact B" field according to the discrepancy flags shown earlier; values as yet undeclared
6512864 CharFILLERspaces
E-mail and Fax Record Data (Record Type 'E') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
177660 CharMOA-EMAIL-ADDRESSE-mail address of contact person at this establishment; maintained on ES2C Geocode Screen
778610 CharMOA-FAX-PHONEFacsimile machine phone number for contact person or agency; broken out below
77793R CharMOA-FAX-AREAArea code portion of the fax phone number
80823R CharMOA-FAX-EXCHANGEExchange (or prefix) portion of fax phone number
83864R CharMOA-FAX-SUFFIXSuffix portion of fax phone number
Website Address Record Layout (Record Type "W") ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
177660 CharMOA-WEBSITE-ADDRESSThis company's website address that can be used to access corporate news that may be helpful in verifying establishment placement, industrial coding, etc.
7712852 CharFILLERspaces

Micro Omnifarious Auxiliary (MOA) File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.MAILOTH.ADDR

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.MAILOTH.ADDR, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2MOA

CICS ID:                               ES2MOA (standard); EssMOA (Service Center; ss=State)

The MOA File stores several types of records to provide auxiliary data to micro-level data queries.  In addition to the original mailing-address records (now record type 'A'), the file stores contact information, data disparity notations, e-mail and fax phone number data, and corporate website addresses.  Each type of record is tracked for changes within the MOA Transaction File, which is described next.

Mailing addresses are generally placed here for establishments that have a different U-I tax address.  Since the U-I address is immutable, according to BLS precepts, the MOA's address record may also often contain a corrected version of the U-I address (such as a misspelled street name or city, incorrect zip code, etc.).  These MOA records represent the first choice of EXPO batch jobs for preparation of mailing address information.  These addresses are also more strictly edited than U-I addresses (UIA's), but come in second place to physical location addresses (PLA's).

​Contact information may be useful in MWR printing and in questioning the employer about suspicious data.  Data disparity fields have not yet been utilized by the system, but will eventually be used to note conflicting values in key data fields between this system and other federal systems.  The e-mail address and fax phone numbers assist the contact information in seeking feedback from the employer regarding questionable data.  The website address record can provide valuable information about changes in corporate structure and other CEW-related information.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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