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* ​​[[06_​​second_almis_extract_file_es2alm2|Second ALMIS Extract File (ES2ALM2)]]
* ​​[[06_​​second_almis_extract_file_es2alm2|Second ALMIS Extract File (ES2ALM2)]]
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Latest revision as of 16:39, 11 July 2019

First ALMIS Extract File (ES2ALMS)

ES2ALMS - Length 42 - Revised 8/2/2002


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
122KeyCharALMS-STATE-FIPSNot used by EXPO
474KeyCharALMS-CNTYALMIS-specific county code including one-byte area code leading sub-field
441RKeyCharALMS-AREAALMIS area code portion of county identifier
573RKeyCharALMS-AREA-CNTYCounty FIPS code
9102KeyCharALMS-AREA-TYPEClassification code for area defined above
12176KeyCharALMS-NAICSNAICS code
12121RKeyCharALMS-SIC1First industry byte, identified here with alternative SIC code
13131RKeyCharALMS-SIC2Second digit of NAICS or SIC code
14141RKeyCharALMS-SIC3Third digit of industry classification (NAICS or SIC)
15151RKeyCharALMS-SIC4Fourth digit of industry code
16161RKeyCharALMS-IND5Fifth digit of NAICS code
17171RKeyCharALMS-IND6Sixth digit of NAICS code
19224 CharALMS-YRQThis may either represent a 4-digit year, or a 2-digit year and 2-digit quarter combined; however, no sub-field definitions have been provided.  The quarter field actually is defined separately later in the record.
19224R CharALMS-YEARYear for ALMIS data
23242 CharALMS-MONMonth of the year for ALMIS data; unknown usage
25251 CharFILLERspace
26261 CharALMS-QTRQuarter for ALMIS data (1, 2, 3, or 4)
27271 CharFILLERspace
28358 NumALMS-EMPLOYALMIS employment; redefined as alphanumeric field ALMS-EMP; up to 100,000,000
36361 CharFILLERspace
37371 CharALMS-SRCALMIS source code; unknown usage
38381 CharFILLERspace
39391 CharALMS-OWNOwnership code (1, 2, 3, or 5)
40401 CharFILLERspace
41411 CharALMS-SUPPRESSNon-disclosure suppression indicator ('0' = disclosable; '1' = non-disclosable)
42421 CharFILLERspace

First ALMIS Extract File

Data Set Name:                   WS.JOB47D.ALMSn   (where 'n' is a value from 1 to 9, based on the parameter set processed)

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.JOB47D.ALMSn  ('ss' = State FIPS code, 'n' is a value from 1 to 9, based on the parameter set processed)

Type of File:                         Sequential

File Layout:                          ES2ALMS

​This is one of three possible ALMIS extract output file formats.  Any one of these may be produced by Job 247D.  They are used by different branches of ALMIS personnel.  This file provides more of a thumbnail sketch of the collected macro data, whereas the ES2ALM2 and newer ES2ALM3 files provide a more detailed outlook on the data to be extracted for ALMIS review.  Since the ALMIS system is outside the scope of EXPO general processing, these three files are produced here only as an interface mechanism.  There is no direct linkage between EXPO and ALMIS, and the data exchange is unilateral.  ALMIS staff take charge of the data once they receive it.​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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