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Micro-Omni-Aux Transaction File (ES2MTRN)

ES2MTRN - Length 261 - Revised 1/31/2007


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
11515KeyCharMTRN-SESA-IDCombined U-I account number and reporting unit number for the establishment that has experienced the change; sub-divided below
11010RKeyCharMTRN-ACCTU-I account number of the establishment involved in this MOA change
11155RKeyCharMTRN-RPT-UNITReporting unit number of affected establishment
162712KeyCharMTRN-DATE-TIMECombined date-and-time stamp for the transaction, in the yymmddhhmmss format; subdivided below
16216RKeyCharMTRN-DATEMOA Transaction date, with two-digit values for year, month and day (yymmdd)
22276RKeyCharMTRN-TIMEMOA Transaction time of day, with two-digit values for hour, minute and second (hhmmss format)
28281KeyCharMTRN-REC-TYPEType of MOA record involved with the transaction, selected from the following values- 'A' = Mailing/Other Address record; 'C' = Contact person information; 'D' = Data disparity fields; 'E' = E-mail and fax phone data; 'P' = Predecessor/successor supplemental data; 'W' = Internet website address
29291KeyCharMTRN-TRANS-TYPEType of action taken with the MOA record in question; 'A' = Used in conjunction with the adding of a Micro File record (adding a MOA record for an existing micro record does not use this code); 'C' = Change applied to the MOA record associated with a pre-existing, continuous Micro File record (adding a MOA record to an existing Micro record will show a change from spaces to non-blank values, whereas the re­moval of a MOA record for a micro record that remains on the file shows a change from non-blanks to spaces); 'D' = Removal of a MOA record connected to the dele­tion of the Micro record itself (removing a MOA record tied to a micro that continues to exist will not use this type code)
30378 CharMTRN-USER-IDIdentification of the CICS user ID or the batch program enacting the add, change or deletion of MOA data; batch program references like the entire program ID (e.g., 'ES2MI13'); CICS changes are broken out into the two sub-fields shown below
30356R CharMTRN-UID-USERCICS log-on ID of the person making the change
36372R CharMTRN-UID-PGMCICS transaction ID for the change (examples- '2C' = ES2C Front Screen, 'C2' = ES2C Codes Screen; 'RC' = EARC Screen, etc.)
38149112 CharMTRN-BEFORE-IMAGEData found in the MOA record before the change was enacted.  In the event of an add or delete transaction (associated with the addition or deletion of a Micro File record, respectively), the before-image area represents the data after the add or before the delete; the after-image portion (described later) will be blank (unused) for additions and deletions.  Individual field structures for the before image data are shown below.
Before-image of Address Type Record (MTRN-REC-TYPE = 'A')​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
38381 CharMTRN-BI-ADDR-TYPEBefore-change value of address type code, '1' = Physical location address, '2' = Mailing address, '3' = Corporate headquarters, '9' = Unknown/unverified address
396335 CharMTRN-BI-ADDRESS1Before-change first line of street address for MOA
6410835 CharMTRN-BI-ADDRESS2Before-change second street address line
10913830 CharMTRN-BI-CITYBefore-change mailing/other address city
1391402 CharMTRN-BI-STATEBefore-change mailing/other address state postal abbreviation
1411499 CharMTRN-BI-ZIPBefore-change full 9-digit MOA zip code (subdivided below)
1411455R CharMTRN-BI-ZIP-5Before-change five-digit zip code (or first five positions of Canadian 6-digit zip code)
1461494R CharMTRN-BI-ZIP-4Before-change MOA ZIP+4 extension (or last digit of Canadian zip code followed by three spaces)
Before-Change Contact Information (MTRN-REC-TYPE = 'C'​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
387235 CharMTRN-BI-CONTACT-NAMEBefore-change name of the contact person at the establishment when inquiries are needed
387235R CharMTRN-BI-ATTN-NAMEBefore-change attention name (alias of "Contact name" in use with EXPO for many years); kept for consistency and readability
7310735 CharMTRN-BI-CONTACT-TITLEBefore-change title by which the contact person is addressed
10814952 CharFILLERspaces
Before-Change Image of Data Disparity Information (MTRN-REC-TYPE = 'D') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
386124 CharMTRN-BI-FIRST-DISPARITYBefore-change value for first set of data discrepancy fields for resolution of conflicting data between this system and other federal systems (BEA, LAUS, Census, etc.); sub-divided below
38381R CharMTRN-BI-FD-NAICSIndicator flag within the first disparity set to detect a discrepancy between federal sys­tems with regard to the NAICS code; values not yet known
39391R CharMTRN-BI-FD-CNTYIndicator flag in the first set denoting a discrepancy in county codes between federal programs; values are not yet known
40401R CharMTRN-BI-FD-PLAIndicator flag within the first set for display of physical-location-address (PLA) dispar­ities between CEW and other federal systems; values not yet disclosed
41411R CharMTRN-BI-FD-MEEIIndicator flag in the first set to show multi-establishment employer field disparities between this system and other federal systems; values unknown
42421R CharMTRN-BI-FD-EMPLIndicator flag within the first disparity set noting a conflict in employment (apparently for single of multiple months; values not known
43431R CharMTRN-BI-FD-WAGEIndicator flag in the first group used to show disparity in total wage values between the CEW/202 and another Federal data source; values not yet listed
44441R CharMTRN-BI-FD-FACT-AIndicator flag within the first set for a not-yet-determined data field to be checked for disagreement with the same field in another source of data; no values yet known
45451R CharMTRN-BI-FD-FACT-BSecond not-yet-identified field's disparity flag within the first set of such flags; it may be used to flag disagreements in this field's value compared to another data source in the Federal government; values have not yet been identified
46494R NumMTRN-BI-FD-NOTIFY-YEARYear (4-digit) during which the ES-202 unit was notified that a discrepancy exists in the field(s) indicated in the flags shown above; if present, this field will be numeric and show a valid year value (e.g., 2004); otherwise, it will be blank; the character-based redefinition of this field is called MTRN-BI-FD-NOTIFY-YEAR-X
50534R NumMTRN-BI-FD-REVIEW-YEAR4-digit year during which the fields shown above were reviewed, and a resolution was attained as to the true value of these fields; if present, this field will be numeric, a valid year format (e.g., 2005), and either match or exceed the Notify Year field shown above; otherwise it will be blank; the character-based equivalent field is MTRN-BI-FD-REVIEW-YEAR-X


 CharMTRN-BI-FD-RESULTSA set of eight result indicator flags associated with the disparate fields indicated above; these are shown individually below
54541R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-NAICSIndicator in the first disparity set noting the result of a review of the NAICS code value to resolve a conflict with another federal program regarding its value; valid values of this field are not yet known
55551R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-CNTYIndicator in the first set to declare the county discrepancy review result, if it had been flagged in the above indicator set; values yet to be determined
56561R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-PLAResult indicator for the physical location address discrepancy noted in the first set of disparity indicators; values unknown
57571R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-MEEIFirst disparity set indicator for the review result of MEEI certification following receipt of a discrepancy notification as noted in the indicator fields above; unknown values
58581R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-EMPLFlag to note the result of a review of the employment value(s) that were questioned by the disparity indicator shown earlier; values not yet released
59591R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-WAGETotal wage discrepancy review result flag among the first disparity set; conflict reso­lution values are not known
60601R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-FACT-AReview result indicator for the not-yet-identified "Fact A" field, if it needed to be verified due to a disparity identified in the first set of indicators above; unknown values
61611R CharMTRN-BI-FDR-FACT-BIndicator flag noting the resolution of a data conflict for the as yet unidentified "Fact B" field according to the discrepancy flags shown earlier; values as yet undeclared
628524 CharMTRN-BI-SECOND-DISPARITYSecond set of disparity data, broken out as shown in the fields that follow
62621R CharMTRN-BI-SD-NAICSIndicator flag within the second disparity set to detect a discrepancy between federal systems with regard to the NAICS code; values not yet known
63631R CharMTRN-BI-SD-CNTYIndicator flag in the second set denoting a discrepancy in county codes between fed­eral programs; values are not yet known
64641R CharMTRN-BI-SD-PLAIndicator flag within the second set for display of physical-location-address (PLA) dis­parities between CEW and other federal systems; values not yet disclosed
65651R CharMTRN-BI-SD-MEEIIndicator flag in the second set to show multi-establishment employer field disparities between this system and other federal systems; values unknown
66661R CharMTRN-BI-SD-EMPLIndicator flag within the second disparity set noting a conflict in employment (appar­ently for single or multiple months; values not known)
67671R CharMTRN-BI-SD-WAGEIndicator flag in the second group used to show disparity in total wage values between the CEW/202 and another Federal data source; values not yet listed
68681R CharMTRN-BI-SD-FACT-AIndicator flag within the second set for a not-yet-determined data field to be checked for disagreement with the same field in another source of data; no values yet known
69691R CharMTRN-BI-SD-FACT-BSecond not-yet-identified field's disparity flag within the second set of such flags; it may be used to flag disagreements in this field's value compared to another data source in the Federal government; values have not yet been identified
70734R NumMTRN-BI-SD-NOTIFY-YEARYear (4-digit) during which the ES-202 unit was notified that a discrepancy exists in the field(s) indicated in the flags shown above; if present, this field will be numeric and show a valid year value (e.g., 2004); otherwise, it will be blank; the character-based redefinition of this field is called MTRN-BI-FD-NOTIFY-YEAR-X
74774R NumMTRN-BI-SD-REVIEW-YEAR4-digit year during which the fields shown above were reviewed, and a resolution was attained as to the true value of these fields; if present, this field will be numeric, a valid year format (e.g., 2005), and either match or exceed the Notify Year field shown above; otherwise it will be blank; the character-based equivalent field is MTRN-BI-FD-REVIEW-YEAR-X


 CharMTRN-BI-SD-RESULTSA set of eight result indicator flags associated with the disparate fields indicated above; these are shown individually below
78781R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-NAICSIndicator in the second disparity set noting the result of a review of the NAICS code value to resolve a conflict with another federal program regarding its value; valid values of this field are not yet known
79791R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-CNTYIndicator in the second set to declare the county discrepancy review result, if it had been flagged in the above indicator set; values yet to be determined
80801R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-PLAResult indicator for the physical location address discrepancy noted in the second set of disparity indicators; values unknown
81811R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-MEEISecond disparity set indicator for the review result of MEEI certification following receipt of a discrepancy notification as noted in the indicator fields above; unknown values
82821R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-EMPLFlag to note the result of a review of the employment value(s) that were questioned by the disparity indicator shown earlier; values not yet released
83831R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-WAGETotal wage discrepancy review result flag among the second disparity set; conflict resolution values are not known
84841R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-FACT-AReview result indicator for the not-yet-identified "Fact A" field, if it needed to be verified due to a disparity identified in the second set of indicators above; unknown values
85851R CharMTRN-BI-SDR-FACT-BIndicator flag noting the resolution of a data conflict for the as yet unidentified "Fact B" field according to the discrepancy flags shown earlier; values as yet undeclared
8614964 CharFILLERspaces
Before-change Values of E-mail and Fax Record Data (Record Type 'E') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
389760 CharMTRN-BI-EMAIL-ADDRESSE-mail address of contact person at this establishment; maintained on ES2C Geocode Screen
9810710 CharMTRN-BI-FAX-PHONEFacsimile machine phone number for contact person or agency; broken out below
981003R CharMTRN-BI-FAX-AREAArea code portion of the fax phone number
1011033R CharMTRN-BI-FAX-EXCHANGEExchange (or prefix) portion of fax phone number
1041074R CharMTRN-BI-FAX-SUFFIXSuffix portion of fax phone number
Before-Change Image of Website Address Data (Record Type 'W') ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
389760 CharMTRN-BI-WEBSITE-ADDRESSThis company's website address that can be used to access corporate news that may be helpful in verifying establishment placement, industrial coding, etc.
9814952 CharFILLERspaces
150261112 CharMTRN-AFTER-IMAGEUsed only for a change ('C' in Trans-Type) record, shows the content of the MOA record as it existed after the change went through; format is the same as that listed above for the before-image layout (with 'AI' in place of 'BI' field names)

MOA Transaction File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.MOA.TRANS

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.MOA.TRANS, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2MTRN

CICS ID:                               ES2MTRN (standard); EssMTRN (Service Center; ss=State)

The Micro-Omni-Auxiliary Transaction (or M-Tran) File contains records generated by update actions to the various types of records found in the Micro Omnifarious (Omni) Auxiliary (MOA) File, including mailing addresses, fax phone numbers, e-mail addresses, contact information, data disparity indicators, predecessor/successor auxiliary data, and website addresses.  As an extension of the Micro File, the MOA data are updated from many sources, both on-line and batch.  M-Tran records form an audit trail of changes to MOA data that can be viewed on-line with the ES2P screen.  Most of the functionality of this file parallels that of the Administrative Transaction and Quarterly Transaction Files.  The record layout contains before-change and after-change values for all MOA data elements.  Add and Delete transaction types are handled in a unique manner.

In order for an M-Tran record to be considered for "Add" or "Delete" mode classification, it must be connected to the addition or removal of a Micro File record.  The fact that a particular MOA record has not existed before, or is being removed (by blanking it out) is immaterial in regard to the Transaction Files review process in the ES2P screens.  When a MOA record (regardless of type) is introduced into the system, but the Micro record already exists, the M-Tran record will show a change from blanks to non-blanks instead of the "add".  Similarly, removing one of the MOA records by blanking it out will appear as a change from non-blanks to blanks.  The "A" (for add) record type appears when one or more of the MOA records is/are added in conjunction with the addition of a new Micro File record.  Conversely, when micro records are deleted, any corresponding MOA records will vanish with the "D" (delete) transaction type.

​Batch jobs writing records to this file include the IMT processing jobs (001D, 001Q, 001S, and 001X), and 005D, which selectively deletes records from all three transaction files older than a particular date (this is also performed automatically in Job 001Q).  CICS transactions performing M-Tran updates include the ES2C screens, EARC, ES2E, ES2P, ES2V, and ES2X. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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