05 adding micro record

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Adding a Micro Record

If you enter an account number in the “NEXT-SESA-ID” field, but the account does not yet exist on the Micro File, you will get the message “RECORD NOT ON MICRO FILE; PRESS PF5 TO ADD”. To add the record, follow this instruction and type the PF5 key. This will place the screen into “Add” mode, clearing out all of the fields for entry. If you already know that the account is not already on file, type in the account number and RUN, then press the PF5 key immediately, rather than pressing the Enter key, receiving the not-on-file message, etc. However, if it turns out that this account actually is on the Micro File already, this short cut can waste time, since a duplicate-record error can be produced after you have typed in all of the fields associated with the supposedly new record.

Adding a record requires the quarter of activation for the new employer to be unlocked in the ES2I screen. A current-quarter activation requires that both the current quarter and future quarter be unlocked, whereas a future-quarter activation will still work when the current quarter is locked, but the future quarter remains unlocked (this is a special case, since the codes on the front screen normally represent current quarter, which is supposed to be unchangeable when it is locked). If an error message is displayed regarding a quarter lock problem, the lock settings can be adjusted (if ES2I authority has been granted) by switching to the ES2I screen. To enact changes, press F1 to go to the ES2B menu, tab down to the ES2I line, and press Enter. F1 returns to ES2B again, from which ES2C can be selected again.

In the Add mode, the name and address blocks start out blank, while the quarterly data are initialized to all zero and missing data. Certain fields are listed with a default value (type-of-coverage ‘0’, status ‘1’, and MEEI code ‘1’). After filling in all of the known data fields, press the Enter key to add the record. Any mistakes such as invalid codes will be noted with an error message that will appear in flashing red letters, just above the current account number display in the lower, left-hand part of the screen.

Note: Adding a record in ES2C is only available with the Front Screen.

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