06 micro super selection parameter file es2mssp es2rup

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Micro Super-Selection Parameter File (ES2MSSP (ES2RUP))

ES2MSSP (ES2RUP) - Length 500 - Revised 2/14/2018


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
KeyCharMSSP-REC-TYPEIndicator showing the type of parameters represented by this record; always set to 'M' for Micro Super-selection Parameter record type
254KeyCharMSSP-REC-IDMicro record selection parameter set identification code; eventually, this will be a user-enterable field; for now it is a constant, set to 'MSSP'
6116 CharMSSP-USER-IDCICS Log-on ID of person creating or modifying this parameter set
12198 CharMSSP-CHANGE-DATEDate on which the parameters were last modified (yyyymmdd format)
204930 CharMSSP-DESCRIPTDescription of the selection parameters represented here
50523 CharMSSP-YYQYear/quarter of quarterly data represented in the selection set (breakout below); if left blank, current quarter will be offered as a default during data selection
50512R NumMSSP-YR2-digit year portion of yr/qtr identifier (numeric or blank)
52521R NumMSSP-QTRQuarter used for quarterly data (1-4 or blank)
53531 CharMSSP-REPORT-OPTIONReport option type, a field designed to mimic the 20D report option; this is a pseudo-option, however, since it must always be set to '1' (firm-list type report)
54541 CharMSSP-WAGE-SWOption to include total wage data in the firm list report (Y/N)
55551 CharMSSP-EMP-SWOption to include employment data in the firm list report (Y/N)
5610247 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(1)First line of selection parameters, broken out into the fields shown below
56561R CharMSSP-ANDOR(1)Linkage (not used) between this line and the one before (which doesn't exist, since this is the first line); check other "ANDOR" fields later to see how this field is used in subsequent occurrences of this table
57615R CharMSSP-FIELD(1)Field identifier code for base comparison in this line; standard codes are those listed in the ES2N (Job 040D) documentation; this field with remain blank if a micro record offset value is supplied instead of a field ID (shown in MSSP-BPOS below)
62621R CharMSSP-FLD-QTR(1)Quarter identifier to accompany the field identifier code above; blank unless applied to a quarter-specific data item; valid values for quarterly items are- '1' (future), '2' (cur­rent), '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' (successively farther back historical quarters), 'F' (fu­ture), 'C' (current) or 'P' (prior) quarter
63631R CharMSSP-FILE-IDCode denoting the source of the field's data ('I' = Micro File; 'A' = MOA File address record; 'C' = MOA File contact record; 'E' = MOA File E-mail record; 'W' = MOA File website record
64674R CharMSSP-BPOS(1)First character position in the base comparison field; this value is found from a table when the field ID is entered, or drawn directly from the entry when a numeric value is substituted for the field ID entry
68692R CharMSSP-LENGTH(1)Number of characters to be checked in this comparison; this will either be the entire length of the field, or the number of characters entered into a comparison string, or the length of the other compared field (when comparing one field against another), whichever is smaller
70701R CharMSSP-FLD-TYPEField type code, noting whether the data needs to receive special treatment because it is packed or binary format, or has embedded sub-fields; these can require further specialization for decimal placement, structure (date, census block, longitude/lati­tude, tax rate, etc.); 'B' = Census block fields; 'C' = Computational (binary) field; 'D' = packed-decimal date field (year/month/day); 'L' = Longitude/latitude (comp); 'N' = Standard numeric field; 'P' = Packed numeric; 'X' = Character (alpha/numeric) field
71722R CharMSSP-COMPARE-CODE(1)Comparison code used to match against the comparison field, value or range in the remaining fields of this occurrence; when comparing against a single value or an­other field, any of the following values can be used – 'CT', 'EQ', 'GE', 'GT', 'LE', 'LT', 'NE', '()', '<', '<=', '=', '>', '>=', '<>'; when using a range of values, the only valid comparators are for equal (i.e., within the range ('=' or 'EQ')) or not-equal (i.e., outside the range ('<>' or 'NE')); the other values (less-than, greater-than, etc.,) have no meaning for a range-of-values comparison
738715R CharMSSP-COMP-VALUE(1)Value for comparison against the base field; must meet the specifications of the field to which it is compared; for instance, a date field must have a date comparison value, and a numeric field can not be compared against alphabetic characters; the ES2N entry screen will reformat the entered field as much as possible
Comparison Byte List (used as multiple allowed / disallowed single-character values in a combined comparison) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
73731R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(1)First comparison single-byte value
74741R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(1)Separator between first and second comparison values (must = comma (','), or it is not a byte comparison list
75751R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(2)Second comparison byte value
76761R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(2)Separator between second and third comparison values (blank if no other values re­main; ',' = another value is coming)
77771R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(3)Third comparison byte value
78781R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(3)Separator between the third and fourth comparison byte values (blank if no other values remain; ',' = another value is coming)
79791R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(4)Fourth comparison byte value
80801R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(4)Would-be separator between the fourth byte and a fifth; currently, this only extends to four possible values; this field should always be blank
81877R CharFILLERspaces
Comparison Field Data (used to compare one field against another, instead of a field against a fixed value) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
73731R CharMSSP-CF-FLAG(1)Flag to denote when the comparison is against another field rather than against a true literal; if a field ID will appear, this flag is set to a back-slash ('\'); then the remaining sub-fields will be set up as well
74785R CharMSSP-CF-FIELD(1)Comparison field ID; must be a valid identification code in order for the comparison to take place
79791R CharMSSP-CF-QTR(1)Comparison field's quarter ID; blank if field is non-quarter-specific; quarterly-occur­rence fields will use a value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, F, C, or P
80801R CharMSSP-CF-FILE(1)File ID code showing whence the field was drawn (A, C, E, I, W)
81844R CharMSSP-CF-BPOS(1)Starting character position for the comparison field (length will be the same as the length field, listed earlier
85861R CharMSSP-CF-TYPE(1)Comparison field type code (B, C, D, L, N, P, or X)
86872R CharFILLER (1)spaces
8810215R CharMSSP-END-VALUE(1)Ending value for a value range; this field will be blank unless a full range of values is requested; when a range is used, the ending value, like the beginning value, must coordinate with the field type
10314947 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(2)Second line of selection parameters (optional); uses the format shown below
1031031R CharMSSP-ANDOR(2)Linkage to connect this line to the first parameter line; value is 'A' (for "And"), 'O' (for "Or"), or 'L' for "Linked Or" (a set of either/or alternatives linked in an "and" chain); an "And" condition combines the two lines together, so that both conditions must be true; an "Or" condition breaks the link, so that if either the previous line or this line's parameters are true, the record will be selected for the report; the linked-or provides alternate ways to get across one of the &quotquot;and" link statements, like an inner set of parentheses around "or" conditions
1041085R CharMSSP-FIELD(2)Field identifier code for base comparison in this line; standard codes are those listed in the ES2N (Job 040D) documentation; this field with remain blank if a micro record offset value is supplied instead of a field ID (shown in MSSP-BPOS below)
1091091R CharMSSP-FLD-QTR(2)Quarter identifier to accompany the field identifier code above; blank unless applied to a quarter-specific data item; valid values for quarterly items are- '1' (future), '2' (cur­rent), '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' (successively farther back historical quarters), 'F' (fu­ture), 'C' (current) or 'P' (prior) quarter
1101101R CharMSSP-FILE-ID(2)Code denoting the source of the field's data ('I' = Micro File; 'A' = MOA File address record; 'C' = MOA File contact record; 'E' = MOA File E-mail record; 'W' = MOA File website record
1111144R CharMSSP-BPOS(2)First character position in the base comparison field; this value is found from a table when the field ID is entered, or drawn directly from the entry when a numeric value is substituted for the field ID entry
1151162R CharMSSP-LENGTH(2)Number of characters to be checked in this comparison; this will either be the entire length of the field, or the number of characters entered into a comparison string, or the length of the other compared field (when comparing one field against another), whichever is smaller
1171171R CharMSSP-FLD-TYPE(2)Field type code, noting whether the data needs to receive special treatment because it is packed or binary format, or has embedded sub-fields; these can require further specialization for decimal placement, structure (date, census block, longitude/lati­tude, tax rate, etc.); 'B' = Census block fields; 'C' = Computational (binary) field; 'D' = packed-decimal date field (year/month/day); 'L' = Longitude/latitude (comp); 'N' = Standard numeric field; 'P' = Packed numeric; 'X' = Character (alpha/numeric) field
1181192R CharMSSP-COMPARE-CODE(2)Comparison code used to match against the comparison field, value or range in the remaining fields of this occurrence; when comparing against a single value or an­ other field, any of the following values can be used- 'CT', 'EQ', 'GE', 'GT', 'LE', 'LT', 'NE', '()', '<', '<=', '=', '>', '>=', '<>'; when using a range of values, the only valid comparators are for equal (i.e., within the range ('=' or 'EQ')) or not-equal (i.e., outside the range ('<>' or 'NE')); the other values (less-than, greater-than, etc.,) have no meaning for a range-of-values comparison
12013415R CharMSSP-COMP-VALUE(2)Value for comparison against the base field; must meet the specifications of the field to which it is compared; for instance, a date field must have a date comparison value, and a numeric field can not be compared against alphabetic characters; the ES2N entry screen will reformat the entered field as much as possible
Comparison Byte List (used as multiple allowed / disallowed single-character values in a combined comparison) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
1201201R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(1)First comparison single-byte value
1211211R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(1)Separator between first and second comparison values (must = comma (','), or it is not a byte comparison list
1221221R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(2)Second comparison byte value
1231231R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(2)Separator between second and third comparison values (blank if no other values re­main; ',' = another value is coming)
1241241R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(3)Third comparison byte value
1251251R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(3)Separator between the third and fourth comparison byte values (blank if no other val­ues remain; ',' = another value is coming)
1261261R CharMSSP-CLL-VALUE(4)Fourth comparison byte value
1271271R CharMSSP-CLL-COMMA(4)Would-be separator between the fourth byte and a fifth; currently, this only extends to four possible values; this field should always be blank
1281347R CharFILLERspaces
Comparison Field Data (used to compare one field against another, instead of a field against a fixed value) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
1201201R CharMSSP-CF-FLAG(2)Flag to denote when the comparison is against another field rather than against a true literal; if a field ID will appear, this flag is set to a back-slash ('\'); then the remaining sub-fields will be set up as well
1211255R CharMSSP-CF-FIELD(2)Comparison field ID; must be a valid identification code in order for the comparison to take place
1261261R CharMSSP-CF-QTR(2)Comparison field's quarter ID; blank if field is non-quarter-specific; quarterly-occur­rence fields will use a value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, F, C, or P
1271271R CharMSSP-CF-FILE(2)File ID code showing whence the field was drawn (A, C, E, I, W)
1281314R CharMSSP-CF-BPOS(2)Starting character position for the comparison field (length will be the same as the length field, listed earlier
1321321R CharMSSP-CF-TYPE(2)Comparison field type for the second line comparison (B, C, D, L, N, P, or X)
1331342R CharFILLER (2)spaces
13514915R CharMSSP-END-VALUE(2)Ending value for a value range; this field will be blank unless a full range of values is requested; when a range is used, the ending value, like the beginning value, must coordinate with the field type
15019647 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(3)Third line of selection parameters (optional); uses the same format as shown above
19724347 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(4)Fourth line of selection parameters (optional), using the same format as shown before
24429047 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(5)Fifth line of selection parameters (optional), using the same format as shown before
29133747 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(6)Sixth line of selection parameters (optional), using the same format as shown before
33838447 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(7)Seventh line of selection parameters (optional), with the same format as shown before
38543147 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(8)Eighth line of selection parameters (optional), using the same format as shown before
43247847 CharMSSP-PARM-LINE(9)Ninth line of selection parameters (optional), using the same format as shown before
4794835 CharMSSP-SORT-SEQUp to five individual sorting parameter code letters, used to resequence the data in the final output report; 'A' = Account number (i.e., SESA-ID sequence); 'C' = County; 'E' = Employment; 'I' = SIC; 'M' = Mailing (U-I) zip code; 'N' = NAICS; 'O' = Owner; 'X' = Auxiliary code; 'Z' = Zone or township
4844841 CharMSSP-OUT-TYPE-SWOutput type for selected data; 'R' = Print report; 'F' = Produce output file; 'G' Group records
4854884 CharMSSP-GROUP-IDGroup ID code, if the group ("G") output type is selected
48950012 CharFILLERspaces

Micro Super-Selection Parameters File (from Roll-up Parameters File)

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.ROLLUP.PARMS

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.ROLLUP.PARMS, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2MSSP

CICS ID:                               ES2RUP (standard); EssRUP (Service Center; ss=State)

The Micro Super-Selection Parameters sets are stored and updated within the ES2N series of screens, to establish selection parameters for Job 040D runs.  It is a spin-off from the 020D parameter screen (which uses the ES2MISP parameter layout).  Innumerable sets of parameters may be stored in the file, and up to nine sets of parameters can be selected for any Job 040D run.  Unlike most other ES2N screens, however, the parameter entries only specify the request ID's (at the beginning of this record).  The para­meters themselves, as related in this file, are maintained by a sub-screen of ES2N, accessed either by requesting new parameters (with the PF5 key), or by selecting one or more of the request ID's listed on the screen (for update actions). ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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