06 predecessor successor notes file es2psn ​

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Predecessor / Successor Notes File (ES2PSN)

ES2PSN - Length 145 - Revised 9/8/2006


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
11515KeyCharPSN-SESA-IDSuccessor or predecessor SESA ID; if P-S type is "P", this is a successor pointing to its predecessor; if P-S type is "S", this is a predecessor pointing to its successor
11010RKeyCharPSN-ACCTU-I account number portion of the SESA ID shown above
Reporting unit number portion of the SESA ID shown above
16161KeyCharPSN-P-S-TYPESwitch identifying whether the following SESA ID represents a predecessor ("P") or a successor ("S") to the SESA ID shown above
173115KeyCharPSN-P-S-SESA-IDPredecessor or successor SESA ID in the relationship, based on the P-S type above; if the type is "P", this is the predecessor; if the type is "S", it is a successor
172610RKeyCharPSN-P-S-ACCTU-I account number portion of the predecessor/successor
27315RKeyCharPSN-P-S-RUNPredecessor/successor reporting unit number portion of the SESA ID
32176145 CharPSN-NOTENarrative note tied to the predecessor/successor pairing; the 145-character length means it can contain nearly three times as much information as a standard 57-byte narrative note or comment found in the Narrative Comments File

Predecessor / Successor Notes File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.PREDSUCC.NOTES

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.PREDSUCC.NOTES, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2PSN

CICS ID:                               ES2PSN (standard); EssPSN (Service Center; ss=State)

The Predecessor/Successor Notes File provides a source of extensive narrative descriptions for predecessor/successor relationships.  With up to 145 characters of free-form note space available, extensive flexibility exists with this file.  Since a predecessor/successor relationship is a two-sided affair, any such narrative will have two records set up, one with the predecessor-to-successor side, the other on the successor-to-predecessor side.

​The PSN data are associated with the actual pred/successor relationships (in the PSA File).  They can be entered in the ES2G screen and will be available for the predecessor / successor records on the EQUI File when it is prepared by the 011D job. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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