12 ownership code

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Ownership Code (IMTQ-OWNER(1))

The ownership code for the current quarter is a 2-byte field, located at positions 696 and 697 in the record. Values are as follows:

  • 10 - Federal government ownership
  • 20 - State government ownership
  • 30 - Local government ownership
  • 50 to 59 - Private employer

The use of non-zero values in the second digit is allowed for private ownership accounts, to provide internal classification of the organization type or other sub-classification of privately owned companies. However, these are only for the State's benefit in viewing Micro File data. In the Macro File (an aggregation of micro-level data merged into totals for establishments in the same county, ownership and NAICS (or SIC) classification), and all BLS deliverable files, only the first ownership code digit will appear. The organization type code (IMT-ORG-TYPE-CODE), described earlier, is used by BLS as a standardized translation of the majority of these ownership code extensions. Wherever it is possible, every effort should be made to translate the State-specific ownership code expansions to organization type code values.

An ownership change is extremely rare. A privately owned firm is rarely purchased and run by a government agency, and bureaus of one level of government will seldom be transferred to another (such as from county to State government). If such a change does occur, however, it must either be identified in the first calendar quarter of a new year, or it must be accompanied by an economic change flag (found in the IMTQ-ECON-CODE-CHG-IND(1) field, described later) if it is to be enacted by batch updates. Any other mid-year ownership change, other than from an invalid value, will be disallowed by the EXPO interface program.

A new account should always have the ownership code specified. If the ownership code is unknown or unchanged, set it to low-values. A new account without ownership specification will be set to '00', which will be flagged in the micro edit program.

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