06 ears job parameters file lookup subset earjprm

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EARS Job Parameters File (Lookup File Subset) (EARJPRM)

EARJPRM - Length 132 - Revised 2/13/2018

Columns​ ​​
LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
22KeyCharJ1-PREFIXIdentifier to distinguish EARS job parameter records from other Lookup File records; always = 'J1'
353KeyCharJ1-JOBIDBatch job ID final three characters; for instance '01D' refers to EARJ101D; when combined with the record type above, this forms the last five characters of the job ID (i.e., everything except the "EAR" prefix)
1311098 CharJ1-JOB-PARMSList of parameters defined within the batch job by all parameter-driven applications; sub-defined below by individual batch job.
​​​​​=  =  =  Job EARJ101D Parameters  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13153 CharJ101D-YRQMicro year/quarter alignment for Input Refiling Transaction (IRT) File data
16161 CharJ101D-CHG-LOG-RPT-SWOption for listing or omitting report of refiling data changes (Y or N)
1711094 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​=  =  =  Job EARJ102D Parameter  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13175 CharJ102D-EDIT-RPT-SORT-SEQSort sequencing parameter characters; up to five letters can be selected from the following list:  'A' = U-I account number (SESA ID); 'C' = County FIPS code; 'N' = NAICS code; 'O' = Ownership code; 'R' = Most severe (lowest-numbered) error code; 'S' = SIC code; 'T' = Sub-county township code; 'Z' = Sub-county zone code
1811093 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​=  =  =  Job ​EARJ106D Parameters  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13131 CharJ106D-CYCLESwitch to note whether this is the first run of a new refiling cycle (Y/N)
1411097 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​=  =  =  Job ​EARJ107D Parameters  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13164 CharJ107D-ID1First Refiling Parameters request ID selected for processing (EARRSEL key)
17204 CharJ107D-ID2Second refiling parameter request ID selection
21244 CharJ107D-ID3Third refiling parameter request ID selection
25284 CharJ107D-ID4Fourth refiling parameter request ID selection
29324 CharJ107D-ID5Fifth refiling parameter request ID selection
33364 CharJ107D-ID6Sixth refiling parameter request ID selection
37404 CharJ107D-ID7Seventh refiling parameter request ID selection
41444 CharJ107D-ID8Eighth refiling parameter request ID selection
45484 CharJ107D-ID9Ninth refiling parameter request ID selection
4911082 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​= = =  Job ​EARJ108D Parameters  = = = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13131 CharJ108D-FAX-LOAD-OPTOption to load collected fax phone numbers into Refiling File data (Y/N)
1411097 CharFILLERSpaces
​​​​​= = =  Job EARJ114D Parameters  = = = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13208 CharJ114D-DATE???
2111090 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​=  =  =  Job EARJ116D Parameters  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13131 CharJ116D-SORT-SEQ-OPTSorting sequence code for Refiling Transaction File Audit Trail Report; 'A' = Sort by U‑I account number; 'D' = Sort by date and time of transactions; 'U' = Sort by user ID
14218 CharJ116D-START-DATEFirst date to select refiling transactions for printing (yyyymmdd format)
22298 CharJ116D-END-DATELast date to select refiling transactions for printing ( yyyymmdd format)
30356 CharJ116D-USER-IDSpecific user ID (CICS logon ID) to isolate for printing of a transactions report; if blank, select all users for inclusion in the report
3611075 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​=  =  =  Job EARJ117D Parameters  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13153 CharJ117D-YRQYear/quarter for printing NCA form using micro data (yyq format)
16161 CharJ117D-VALUE-OPTSIC values to look for, '1' = Look for '9999', '2' = Look for '0000', '3' = Look for either '0000' or '9999'
17204 CharJ117D-GROUPOptional account group ID to select
21255 NumJ117D-EMPLCutoff employment value for account selection (printing only larger employers)
263510 CharJ117D-UI-BEG-RANGEBeginning of U-I account number selection range
364510 CharJ117D-UI-END-RANGEHigh-end of U-I account number selection range
46538 CharJ117D-LIAB-BEG-RANGEEarliest initial liability date allowed for selection (yyyymmdd format)
54618 CharJ117D-LIAB-END-RANGELatest initial liability date allowed for selection (yyyymmdd format)
62621 CharJ117D-BAR-OPTBarcode placement option; '1' = Print barcode on top; '2' = Print on bottom of form
63631 CharJ117D-ATTN-OPTOption to include the attention name in the mailing address block (Y/N)
64641 CharJ117D-SLASH-OPTOption to include slash characters to highlight high-employment accounts on the refiling form (Y/N)
65706 NumJ117D-EMP-LVLEmployment cutoff value associated with the "large employer" definition above
71711 CharJ117D-MOA-OPTMOA priority code; '1' = MOA is first choice; '2' = Second choice; '3' = Last choice
72721 CharJ117D-UI-OPTU-I address priority code; '1' = UIA is first choice; '2' = Second choice; '3' = Last choice
73731 CharJ117D-PL-OPTP-L address priority code; '1' = First choice; '2' = Second choice; '3' = Last choice
74741 CharJ117D-CARS-RUN-SWMailing of Non-classified forms (Y/N)
7511036 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​=  =  =  Job EARJ118D Parameters  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13131 CharJ118D-SORT-OPTIONSorting code for CCS Master List Report, 'A' = Account number (SESA ID), 'C' = County/ownership/SIC sequence
1411097 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​=  =  =  Job EARJ120A Parameters  =  =  = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13131 CharJ120A-UPDATE-OPTIONOption to post the new addresses directly to the system files (Y/N)
1411097 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​= = =  Job EARJ121D Parameters  = = = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13131 CharJ121D-NAICS-CNTY-TOWNSwitch to update the NAICS, County Code and Township (Y/N)
14141 CharJ121D-LEGAL-NAMESwitch to update the Legal Name (Y/N)
15151 CharJ121D-LOCK-LEGAL-NAMESwitch to lock the Legal Name after it is Updated (Y/N)
16161 CharJ121D-TRADE-NAMESwitch to update the Trade/Doing-Business-As Name (Y/N)
17171 CharJ121D-LOCK-TRADE-NAMESwitch to lock the Trade / Doing-Business-As Name after it is Updated (Y/N)
18181 CharJ121D-PHYSICAL-ADDRSwitch to update the Physical Address (Y/N)
19191 CharJ121D-LOCK-PHYSICAL-ADDRSwitch to Lock the Physical Address after it is Updated (Y/N)
20201 CharJ121D-MAILING-OTHERSwitch to Update the Mailing/Other Address (Y/N)
21211 CharJ121D-LOCK-MAILING-OTHERSwitch to Lock the MOA after it is Updated (Y/N)
22221 CharJ121D-LOCK-ATTN-NAMESwitch to Lock the Attention Name after it is Updated (Y/N)
23231 CharJ121D-CONTACT-INFOSwitch to Update the Contact Information (Y/N)
24241 CharJ121D-LOCK-PHONESwitch to Lock the Phone Number after it is Updated (Y/N)
2511086 CharFILLERspaces
​​​​​= = =  Job EARJ124D Parameters  = = = ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
13131 CharJ124D-RC-ZEROSelect Response Code 00 Option (Y/N)
14141 CharJ124D-RC-ONESelect Response Code 01 Option (Y/N)
15151 CharJ124D-RC-TWOSelect Response Code 02 Option (Y/N)
16161 CharJ124D-RC-THREESelect Response Code 03 Option (Y/N)
17171 CharJ124D-RC-FOURSelect Response Code 04 Option (Y/N)
18236 NumJ124D-M3-EMPLMonth-3 of the Quarter Employment (Zeroes or Not)
24241 CharJ124D-MEEI-ONESelect MEEI Code 1 (single accounts - Y/N)
25251 CharJ124D-MEEI-TWOSelect MEEI Code 2 (multi masters - Y/N)
26261 CharJ124D-MEEI-THREESelect MEEI Code 3 (standard worksites - Y/N)
27271 CharJ124D-MEEI-FOURSelect MEEI Code 4 (refusals – treated as singles - Y/N)
28281 CharJ124D-MEEI-FIVESelect MEEI Code 5 (composite worksites - Y/N)
29291 CharJ124D-MEEI-SIXSelect MEEI Code 6 (secondary employment too small for a breakout - Y/N)
3011081 CharFILLERspaces
1111188 CharJ1-USERIDCICS Log-on ID code for the person last modifying the set of job parameters
1191268 CharJ1-LAST-CHANGE-DATEDate on which job parameters were last changed (yyyymmdd format)
1271326 CharJ1-LAST-CHANGE-TIMETime of day when last job parameter changes occurred (hhmm format)

Job Parameters File​

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.LOOKUP

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.LOOKUP ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          EARJPRM

CICS ID:                               ES2LKUP  (EssLKUP for Service Center; 'ss' = State Postal Abbreviation)

The Job Parameters File is an alias of the Lookup File, but is updated separately.  It is also known as the Survey Log File.  The job parameters records used here are entered and updated through the EARN transaction, which uses one screen for each batch job that requires program parameters.

Every parameter-using batch job in EARS uses a common program (EARUT19) to reformat the Job Parameter data into a Program Parameters File.  The converted file will include the Job ID at the beginning of each record, followed by the last four characters of the program ID referenced.  This, in turn, is followed by the parameters relating to the particular referenced program.  Once the conversion has been enacted, the Job Parameters record no longer needs to be accessed directly, as the parameters for other programs in the job stream are drawn from the Program Parameters File.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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