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Predecessor / Successor Potential File (ES2PSP)

ES2PSP - Length 46 - Revised 9/8/2006


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
11919KeyCharPSP-SESA-YRQ-TYPECombination of three key fields in a higher-level reference; breakouts are below
11515KeyCharPSP-SESA-IDPredecessor or successor SESA ID; if P-S type is "P", this is a successor pointing to its predecessor; if P-S type is "S", this is a predecessor pointing to its successor
11010RKeyCharPSP-ACCTU-I account number portion of the SESA ID shown above
11155RKeyCharPSP-RUNReporting unit number portion of the SESA ID shown above
16183RKeyNumPSP-YRQYear/quarter for which the potential for a predecessor/successor relationship exists; this appears in the yyq format
19191RKeyCharPSP-P-S-TYPESwitch to distinguish between a potential predecessor ("P") or a potential successor ("S") relationship.  The  SESA ID to follow will be for the potential predecessor or successor
20245KeyNumPSP-EMPL-COMPLComplement of the number of employees potentially associated in the predecessor / successor transfer; this field is necessary to sort the data in such a way that the highest-employment P/S relationships appear first (for quicker viewing) while the smallest employment counts will go to the end of the pairings, for the least consideration as actual associations.  This value is found by subtracting the em­ployment count from 999999; for instance, if the employment were 175, the com­plement would be (999999 -–000175) = 999824.
253915KeyCharPSP-P-S-SESA-IDPredecessor or successor SESA ID, based upon the P-S type above; if the type is a "P", this is a predecessor; for a type of "S", it is a successor
253410RKeyCharPSP-P-S-ACCTU-I account number portion of the predecessor/successor SESA ID
35395RKeyCharPSP-P-S-RUNReporting unit number portion of the predecessor/successor SESA ID
40445 NumPSP-EMPL-CTNumber of employees potentially involved in the predecessor-to-successor transfer, generally based upon wage record information
45462 CharPSP-SOURCE

Code denoting the origin of the information regarding the potential association of the predecessor and successor; the valid values are listed below:

'AR' = ARS (Annual Refiling Survey)

'BL' = BLS Weighted Match

'ED' = EDI Center

'ER' = Employer

'EX' = Extract

'FS' = Other Federal/State Program

'HS' = Historical

'MD' = Media

'MW' = Multiple Worksite Report (MWR)

'OT' = Other data source

'RL' = Record linking

'SD' = SUTA Dumping

'UI' = Unemployment Insurance (U-I) department

'WR' = Wage record data

Predecessor / Successor Potential File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.PREDSUCC.POTENT

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.PREDSUCC. POTENT, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2PSP

CICS ID:                               ES2PSP (standard); EssPSP (Service Center; ss=State)

The Predecessor/Successor Potential File provides a list of suspected predecessors and successors that have been associated with a given account; they can only become "Actual" relationships when they have been validated.  At that point, the record will be moved from here to the Predecessor/Successor Actual (PSA) File.  One relationship is listed in each record, so there can be multiple predecessor and multiple successor listings for any given establishment.  These are sorted according to their employment count, running from largest to smallest.  This places the largest (and thus the most economically significant) pairings ahead of the smaller, less significant potentials.

​This file is paired with the Predecessor/Successor Actual File (PSA) to list all suspected and validated predecessors and successors on the ES2G screen.  Before Version 9, the predecessor and successor listings were placed on the Micro File.  Now the PSA and PSP Files can provide a much more complete picture of employee transition among the various predecessors and successors.  Since the potential P/S information is auxiliary and unverified, it is not used extensively in QCEW processing, other than on the ES2G screen.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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