06 publication parameter header file es2pub

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Publication Parameter Header File (ES2PUB)

ES2PUB - Length 74 - Revised 8/15/2002


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
144KeyCharPUB-PUBL-IDPublication identification code to segregate one publication from another
584KeyCharPUB-LINE-NUMRelative placement of macro aggregation line ('0001' through '9999')
94840 CharPUB-DESCDescription of selected macro aggregation found in parameters below; when this field is left blank, it can usually be filled in according to the PUB-NAICS1 value, should that field be listed by itself.
49491 CharPUB-BLANK-LINESNumber of extra blank lines to follow this detail, blank = None, 1 to 9 = Line count
50556 CharPUB-LNAICSLow-end of NAICS code range (2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, or 6-digit NAICS value); when used with a multi-valued sector, the end range needs to define the entire sector
56616 CharPUB-HNAICSHigh-end of NAICS code range (2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, or 6-digit NAICS value); digit count must match that of the low-end; multi-valued sectors need to be fully represented
62676 CharPUB-NAICS1Specific NAICS code selection (2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, or 4-digit NAICS value or super-sector alpha code letter); when a multi-valued sector code (e.g. '31' within 31-33 sector) is entered, it will be converted automatically to the range of the sector
68736 CharPUB-NAICS2Specific NAICS code deselection (2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, or 6-digit NAICS value or super-sector alpha code entry); removes this portion of the NAICS codes from the above selection entry (e.g., a selected NAICS of '722' (Food Services and Drinking Places) may have a deselection of '7224' (Drinking Places) to examine food service places)
74741 CharPUB-OWNOwnership code selection, '1' = Federal government, '2' = State government, '3' = Local government, '5' = Private ownership, 'G' = All government, 'X' = All owner­ships, 'H' = Header record data; 'F' = Footer record data; these last two entries represent half-line values that will combine two-line descriptions into a report line

Publications Detail Line Parameters File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.PUB

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.PUB, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2PUB

CICS ID:                              ES2PUB (standard); EssPUB (Service Center; ss=State)

This file is maintained by the ES2U CICS transaction.  Each record contains specifications of selection parameters for a single line of a publication report, including ownership and NAICS values.  The publication data are drawn from the Macro File in Job ES2J244D, separate from the detail line specifications entered here.  There may be up to 9,999 lines in a publication report, since a line number field contains three digits.  Each record contains a description field, a NAICS range, a NAICS selection, a NAICS deselection, and an ownership field.  Each NAICS specification can be a 2- to 6-digit value.  The ownership code can either declare a specific individual ownership ('1', '2', '3', or '5'), or all government ('G'), or all ownership codes ('X').  Publication sets can also be created by Job 48D, which uses global NAICS selections for a specific digit count.

Header and footer data can be placed in specialized records of this file, identified by unique ownership codes of "H" (header information) and "F" (footer data); these codes are used as a substitute for the ownership field.  Up to four header and two footer records can be placed on the file, but they must be placed as the first and last records for a publication, respectively.  The records are paired up to combine the short description fields into one or two header lines and one footer line.

Publications are tied to a title record, sometimes known as a group record, since it matches the format used for Account Group header records.  As with the latter records, these title records are stored in the Lookup File.  The front ES2T screen lists the title information for all publications currently on file.  Any of these can be selected for updating the detail data, or the entire publication can be wiped out by entering "*D" in the publication's description field.

A particular publication can be selected for printing in Job ES2J244D with parameters in the ES2N transaction.  This also allows specification of a year/quarter range and an MSA county grouping, if one is desired.  This is the only opportunity to select or deselect counties in a publication.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​

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