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Latest revision as of 16:44, 11 July 2019

Input Micro Transaction File (ES2IMT)

ES2IMT - Length 1364 - Revised 1/30/2019


COBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
11515KeyCharIMT-SESA-IDState Employment Security Agency Identification Number (U-I account + RUN)
11010RKeyCharIMT-ACCTU-I Account number, right-justified with leading zeroes
11155RKeyCharIMT-RPT-UNITU-I Reporting unit number (RUN) value; '00000' = Single or multi-worksite master; '00001' – '99999' = Worksite sub-units
16161 CharIMT-CK-DIGITOptional account number check digit (zero or low-values if not used); numerics valid; Note:  For all IMT fields other than key elements, low-values denotes no change for  existing accounts, or allows program to set default values on new accounts
17259 CharIMT-EINFederal employer identification number (EIN)
266035 CharIMT-LEGAL-NAMEEmployer legal or corporate name
619535 CharIMT-TRADE-NAMETrade name (or doing-business-as (DBA) name
96961 CharIMT-DATA-SOURCESource code for origination of account data; blank = Non-EDI account, 'C' = EDI employer with limited edits for EXPO; 'E' = EDI employer with data fully editable; 'M' = MWR web-collected data; 'Q' = QCR data collected from the web; 'S' = State media data; 'X' = Former EDI participant no longer participating; applied to the newest quarter represented in the IMT record when transferred to the Micro File
97971 CharIMT-SPECIAL-INDSpecial account classification code; blank = Standard account, ‘L’ = Professional Employee Organization (PEO, aka Employee Leasing company), ‘T’ = Indian Tribal Council; ‘M’ = Cannabis supplier; ‘Y’ = Combination PEO and Cannabis; ‘Z’ = Combination Indian Tribal and Cannabis
981014 CharIMT-AGENT-CODEState-defined 4-digit agent code (used for payroll service or similar agency); applied to the newest IMT quarterly data
102248147 CharIMT-PHYS-LOC-ADDRESSPhysical location address block; fields broken out below.
1021021R CharIMT-NEW-CHNGD-ADDR-INDNew or changed physical address switch; 'Y' = New or modified physical address
10313735R CharIMT-PL-ADDRESSEmployer physical location address street address
13817235R CharIMT-PL-ADDRESS2Second line of employer physical location address
17320735R CharIMT-RPT-UNIT-DESCRReporting unit description (distinguishes worksites in terms recognized by employer)
20823730R CharIMT-PL-CITYPhysical location city
2382392R CharIMT-PL-STATEPhysical location state code


 CharIMT-PL-ZIPPhysical location full 9-digit zip code
2402445R CharIMT-PL-ZIP-5Standard 5-digit physical location zip code
2452484R CharIMT-PL-ZIP-4Physical location Zip+4 extension
249396148 CharIMT-UI-TAX-ADDRESSUnemployment Insurance address contents, broken out as shown below
2492491R CharIMT-UI-ADDR-TYPEU-I address type code (used internally, but not sent on EQUI); '1' = Physical address, '2' = Mailing address, '3' = Corporate headquarters, '9' = Unknown/unverified addr
2502501R CharIMT-MAIL-CODEMailing indicator code; blank = Mail every quarter, 'F' = Mail first quarter only (trans­lated to '1' in Micro File), 'M' = Mail every quarter (translated to 'Y' in Micro File), 'N' = Do not mail; '1' = Mail first calendar quarter only; '2' = Mail second calendar quarter only; '3' = Mail third calendar quarter only; '4' = Mail fourth calendar quarter only
25128535R CharIMT-ATTN-NAMEAttention or contact name field for 'ATTN:', 'C/O', etc.
28632035R CharIMT-UI-ADDRESSFirst street address line of the U-I tax address (normal mailing address)
32135535R CharIMT-UI-ADDRESS2Second U-I street address line
35638530R CharIMT-UI-CITYU-I address city
3863872R CharIMT-UI-STATEU-I address state postal abbreviation


 CharIMT-UI-ZIPU-I address full 9-digit zip code
3883925R CharIMT-UI-ZIP-5U-I address standard 5-digit zip code
3933964R CharIMT-UI-ZIP-4U-I address Zip+4 extension
397508112 CharIMT-MAILING-OTHER-ADDRESSGroup-level mailing/other address area, detailed below
39743135R CharIMT-MO-ADDRESSFirst line of mailing/other street address
43246635R CharIMT-MO-ADDRESS2Second line of mailing/other street address
46749630R CharIMT-MO-CITYMailing/other address city
4974982R CharIMT-MO-STATEMailing/other address state postal abbreviation


 CharIMT-MO-ZIPMailing/other address full 9-digit zip code
4095035R CharIMT-MO-ZIP-55-digit standard mailing/other address zip code
5045074R CharIMT-MO-ZIP-4Mailing/other address Zip+4 extension
5085081R CharIMT-MO-ADDR-TYPEMailing/other address type code ('1' = Physical address, '2' = Mailing address, '3' = Corporate headquarters, '9' = Unknown or unverified type of address)
50951810 CharIMT-PHONE-NUMGroup-level phone number identifier, sub-defined below
5095113R CharIMT-AREAPhone number area code (blank if phone number or area code is unknown)
5125187R CharIMT-PHONEPhone number (blank if unknown)
5195235 CharIMT-PHONE-EXTPhone number extension (blank if missing or unused)
52453310 CharIMT-FAX-PHONE-NUMGroup-level facsimile machine phone number; sub-defined below
5245263R CharIMT-FAX-AREAArea code for facsimile machine phone number
5275337R CharIMT-FAX-PHONEFacsimile machine phone number
5345352 NumIMT-FIELD-LOCKMulti-field batch update lockout indicator; value is the sum of the following individual field lock values: 00 = No fields locked to update; 01 = Physical address locked; 02 = Mailing address locked; 04 = Legal name locked; 08 = Trade name locked; 16 = Phone number locked; 32 = Attention name locked
5365438 CharIMT-SETUP-DATEDate on which account was established on the Micro File (or the U-I Tax File; yyyymmdd format)
5445518 CharIMT-INIT-LIAB-DATEDate of initial liability or worksite effective date (yyyymmdd format)
5525598 CharIMT-END-LIAB-DATEEnd-of-liability (termination) date (yyyymmdd format)
5605678 CharIMT-REACT-DATEDate of reactivation (yyyymmdd format)
56858215 CharIMT-PRED-SESA-IDGrouped predecessor U-I account number and RUN
56857710R CharIMT-PRED-ACCTPrimary predecessor U-I account number; blank = No predecessor
5785825R CharIMT-PRED-RPT-UNITPrimary predecessor U-I reporting unit number (RUN)
58359715 CharIMT-SUCC-SESA-IDGrouped successor U-I account number and RUN
58359210R CharIMT-SUCC-ACCTPrimary successor U-I account number; blank = No successor
5935975R CharIMT-SUCC-RPT-UNITPrimary successor U-I reporting unit number (RUN)
5986036 CharIMT-ARS-RESP-CD-YRGroup-level annual refiling survey (ARS) response code and refiling year
5985992R CharIMT-ARS-RESP-CODERefiling response code from Refiling File; blank = never selected for refiling survey
6006034R CharIMT-REFILE-YEARMost recent refiling year; blank = never selected for refiling survey or no response
6046074 CharIMT-VERIFY-YEARMost recent refiling year with a usable response code (41, 42, 46, or 50)
6086081 CharFILLERspace
6096124 CharIMT-EARS-BATCH-NUMBatch number used for most recent refiling data entry with EARS system
61363523 CharIMT-OLD-CODESGroup-level identifier for pre-refiling code values (county, NAICS, etc.), shown below; these are compared to first calendar quarter codes to create code change supplement (CCS) records, from which Summary of Difference (SoD) records are produced; these are used to explain some first-quarter macro edit exceptions
6136153R CharIMT-OLD-CNTYFIPS county code from beginning of refiling cycle
6166161R CharIMT-OLD-OWNMost recent pre-refiling ownership code ('1' = Federal government, '2' = State govern­ment, '3' = Local government, '5' = Private industry)
6176204R CharFILLERspaces
6216233R CharIMT-OLD-TOWNMost recent pre-refiling New England township code; blank in other states
6246296R CharFILLERspaces
6306356R CharIMT-OLD-NAICSMost recent pre-refiling NAICS code
6366372 CharIMT-NCA-RCResponse code for non-classified establishment; may not be developed in most states' extract process
6386414 CharFILLERspaces
6426465 CharIMT-MAX-RPT-UNITLargest RUN encountered so far (rarely used in IMT updates; interpreted on Micro)
6476471 CharIMT-CESIndicator showing CES participation; blank = non-CES account, 'C' = CES reporter
6486481 CharIMT-ORG-TYPEPrivate ownership organization type code; 'C' = Corporation, 'I' = Individual proprie­torship, 'O' = Other organization, 'P' = Partnership, blank = Unknown / non-private
64968335 CharIMT-STATE-USAGEFree-form administrative state usage area for auxiliary use by the state, not by EXPO
6846841 CharIMT-MWR-Q1-RCPT-SWFlag denoting receipt of MWR form for future quarter (masters only); 'Y' = Future quarter MWR has been received (data not necessarily entered yet)
6856851 CharIMT-MWR-Q2-RCPT-SWFlag denoting current quarter MWR form receipt for masters; 'Y' = MWR received
6866861 CharIMT-WAGE-INDIndicator showing most recent quarter on Wage Summary File (not used in IMT data)
687799113 CharIMT-QTR-DATA(1)Data for most recent quarter on the IMT record, sub-defined below


 CharIMTQ-YRQ(1)Most recent year/quarter (yyyyq format); Note:  If year/quarter doesn't match IMT pro­cessing year/quarter parm (Job 01D, etc.), record will be skipped; if numeric year/ quarter found in first IMT record that has mismatch, it will ABEND the IMT process
6876904R CharIMTQ-YEAR(1)Most recent IMT data's year
6916911R CharIMTQ-QTR(1)Most recent IMT data's quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4)
6926921R CharIMTQ-STATUS(1)Activity status code (newest quarter); '1' = Active, '2' = Inactive, '9' = Pending
6936953R CharIMTQ-CNTY(1)FIPS county code (newest quarter (as with all remaining fields listed below))


 CharIMTQ-OWNER(1)Ownership code; '10' = Federal government, '20' = State government, '30' = Local government, '50' – '59' = Private ownership
6966961R CharIMTQ-OWN1(1)High-order ownership digit (1, 2, 3, or 5)
6987036R CharIMTQ-NSTA(1)(Obsolete) North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code with an SIC Treatment of Auxiliary Establishments; not processed, except that when the NSTA is specified, while the NAICS is left blank, it will be interpreted as a NAICS code
7047074R CharIMTQ-SIC(1)Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
7087081R CharIMTQ-TYPE-COV(1)Type of coverage; '0' = Experience-rated, '1' = Reimbursable, '2' = Experience-rated with employee contribution, '3' = Reimbursable with employee contribution, '8' = Non-covered (non-subject), '9' = Federal employer


 CharIMTQ-ZONE(1)Sub-county area (township or zone)
7097113R CharIMTQ-TOWN(1)Township code (New England states and New Jersey)
7137186R CharIMTQ-NAICS(1)NAICS code
7197191R CharIMTQ-AUX(1)Obsolete; had identified the auxiliary code: no longer used
7207212R NumIMTQ-ECCI(1)Economic code change indicator, showing economically-based code changes, summed from the following values:  00 = No economic code changes; 01 = Economic township change; 04 = Economic ownership change; 08 = Economic county change; 32 = Economic NAICS change; possible values range from 00 through 63; since '02' and '16' have been removed, however (formerly for SIC and NSTA economic code changes, respectively), not all of these values are possible for processing ('02', '06', '10', '14', '16'-'31', '34', '38', '42', '46', '48'-'63' represent invalid combinations)
7227221R CharFILLERspace
7237231R CharIMTQ-MEEI(1)Multiple Establishment Employer Identifier (MEEI) code; '1' = Single account, '2' = Multi master account, '3' = Worksite, '4' = Known multi refusing breakout report (or presolicitation worksite in pending status), '5' = Composite (multiple location) worksite, '6' = Multi master treated as a single (not broken out) due to few people
7247241R CharIMTQ-EDIT-FLAG(1)Edit flag (not used in IMT processing)
7257251R CharIMTQ-EST-FLAG(1)Estimation flag (not used in IMT processing)
7267261R CharIMTQ-DELQ-FLAG(1)Delinquency flag (not used in IMT processing)
7277271R CharFILLERspace
7287325R NumIMTQ-TAX-RATE(1)Firm's tax rate, given in 100,000ths (converted in processing to 1000ths of a percent); e.g., 2 5/8% would appear as 02625 (2.625%)
7337386R NumIMTQ-M1-EMPL(1)First month's employment for the quarter
7397391R CharIMTQ-M1-IND(1)Month 1 employment indicator flag; blank = reported, 'A' = Matched to CES value, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = reported on missing data notice, 'E' = estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'L' = Late reported (replacing an estimate), 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Estimation failed due to long-term delinquency, 'P' = Prorated worksite from master, 'R' = Reported (possibly locked), 'S' = Summed worksite data to master, 'W' = applied wage record count, 'X' = was non-numeric
7407456R NumIMTQ-M2-EMPL(1)Second month's employment
7467461R CharIMTQ-M2-IND(1)Month 2 employment indicator flag; blank = reported, 'A' = Matched to CES value, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = reported on missing data notice, 'E' = estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'L' = Late reported (replacing an estimate), 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Estimation failed due to long-term delinquency, 'P' = Prorated worksite from master, 'R' = Reported (possibly locked), 'S' = Summed worksite data to master, 'W' = applied wage record count, 'X' = was non-numeric
7477526R NumIMTQ-M3-EMPL(1)Third month's employment
7537531R CharIMTQ-M3-IND(1)Month 3 employment indicator flag; blank = reported, 'A' = Matched to CES value, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = reported on missing data notice, 'E' = estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'L' = Late reported (replacing an estimate), 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Estimation failed due to long-term delinquency, 'P' = Prorated worksite from master, 'R' = Reported (possibly locked), 'S' = Summed worksite data to master, 'W' = applied wage record count, 'X' = was non-numeric
7547596R CharIMTQ-STATE-USAGE(1)Free-form quarterly state usage field; included in some EXPO reports
76077011R NumIMTQ-TOTAL-WAGE(1)Total wages for the quarter
7717711R CharIMTQ-TOTW-IND(1)Total wage indicator flag; blank = reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = re­ported on missing data notice, 'E' = estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'L' = Late reported (replacing an estimate), 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Estima­tion failed due to long-term delinquency, 'P' = Prorated worksite from master, 'R' = Reported (possibly locked), 'S' = Summed worksite data to master, 'W' = applied wage record wages, 'X' = was non-numeric, changed to zeroes (inestimable)
77278211R NumIMTQ-TAX-WAGE(1)Taxable wages for the quarter (zero for non-experience-rated establishments)
7837831R CharIMTQ-TAXW-IND(1)Taxable wage indicator flag; blank = reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'E' = estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'L' = Late reported  (replacing an estimate), 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Estimation failed due to long-term delinquency, 'P' = Prorated worksite from master, 'R' = Reported (possibly locked), 'X' = was non-numeric, changed to zeroes
7847929R NumIMTQ-CONTRIB-DUE(1)U-I Contributions due for the quarter (zero for non-experience-rated establishments (with the possible exception of reimbursables with employee contributions)
7937931R CharIMTQ-CTRB-IND(1)Contributions due indicator flag; blank = reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'E' = estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'L' = Late reported  (replacing an estimate), 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Estimation failed due to long-term delinquency, 'P' = Prorated worksite from master, 'R' = Reported (possibly locked), 'X' = was non-numeric, changed to zeroes


 CharIMTQ-COMMENT-CODE(1)Comment codes (up to three 2-byte codes)
7947952R CharIMTQ-CMNT1(1)First comment code
7967972R CharIMTQ-CMNT2(1)Second comment code
7987992R CharIMTQ-CMNT3(1)Third comment code
800912113 CharIMT-QTR-DATA(2)Occurrence 2 of IMT data (for data immediately prior to the most recent quarter, just described; format is the same for this occurrence and all others to follow
9131025113 CharIMT-QTR-DATA(3)Third occurrence (two quarters before the most recent IMT quarter)
10261138113 CharIMT-QTR-DATA(4)Fourth occurrence of IMT quarterly data
11391251113 CharIMT-QTR-DATA(5)Fifth occurrence of IMT quarterly data
12521364113 CharIMT-QTR-DATA(6)Sixth occurrence of IMT quarterly data

Input Micro Transaction File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.MICRO.TRANS.FILE

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.MICRO.TRANS.FILE, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         Sequential

File Layout:                          ES2IMT

The Input Micro Transaction (or IMT) File is produced by State-specific data extraction programs.  It is the keystone for the standard micro data interface method.  The format of this file closely follows that of the Micro File.  However, this is a six-quarter file, with added fields for Mailing/Other Address (MOA) File updates.  The Micro File has seven quarters of employment and wage data, but doesn't include the mailing/other address block.

All fields in the IMT File are defined as alpha-numeric (PIC X), even though many of these correspond to numeric fields in the Micro record.  This definition is used so that fields which are not intended as updates can be set to low-values (binary zeroes), which signify that no changes to the existing Micro File values are to take place.  Values of spaces are interpreted as a blanking-out of the particular field, which may not be the desired effect.

The ES2MI01 interface program matches IMT elements to their counterparts in the Micro File, validates codes, and updates fields that are changed.  At the same time, any information found in the mailing/other address block is passed on to the Mailing/Other Address File.  Once processed, the IMT File can be deleted, as it is no longer needed by the system. However, this deletion generally is not performed by EXPO JCL's, as some States may have some additional use for the file after it has been processed into the Micro File data.  Due to disk space limitations at SunGard, the IMT File may still need to be deleted a week after its use, to prevent the IMT disk from becoming over-full.

​An IMT File may be developed to initially build the Micro File, to add a new quarter to the Micro File, or to serve as a source for late-reported or modified data.  Most other changes to the Micro File will be made on-line. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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