06 statewide macro micro crosswalk file es2xwk2

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Statewide Macro-to-Micro Crosswalk File (ES2XWK2)

ES2XWK2 - Length 28 - Revised 3/12/2004


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
133KeyNumXWK2-YRQYear and quarter of cross-walk relationship, yyq format, sub-defined below
122KeyNumXWK2-YRYear portion of year/quarter for crosswalk relationship
331KeyNumXWK2-QTRQuarter portion of year/quarter for crosswalk relationship, 1, 2, 3, or 4
441KeyCharXWK2-OWNOwnership code assigned to the account this year/quarter, '1' = Federal government, '2' = State government, '3' = Local government, '5' = Private industry
5106KeyCharXWK2-NAICSNorth American Industry Classification System code
11133KeyCharXWK2-CNTYFIPS County code assigned to the account for this quarter
142815KeyCharXWK2-SESA-IDSESA ID (combined U-I account and RUN) found in this code group (see below)
142310RKeyCharXWK2-ACCTU-I account number portion of SESA ID, right-justified with leading zeroes
24285RKeyCharXWK2-RPT-UNITReporting unit portion of the SESA ID, values 00000 through 99999 are possible

Statewide Crosswalk File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.STATE.XWLK

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.STATE.XWLK, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2XWK2

CICS ID:                               ES2XWK2 (Standard); EssXWK2 (Service Center; ss=State)

The Statewide Crosswalk File is built at the same time as the County-based Crosswalk File, which is described next.  The data are collected from the Micro File in Jobs 01D, 01Q, 241D, 242D, and 51D, producing a sequential file in U-I account number sequence.  This file is externally sorted into a year/quarter, ownership, NAICS, county sequence to produce the sorted file used to rebuild the VSAM Statewide Crosswalk File.  Thereafter the file is used on a strictly read-only basis.

The ES2F firm list screen uses this file to display the accounts that belong to a particular NAICS (1- to 6-digit levels), without regard to the county assignment.  The County-based Crosswalk File is used instead, if the county code, or a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), is included in the on-screen selection specifications. The Statewide File, unlike the County-based Crosswalk File, is not accessed by the ES2D screens.  Of the jobs rebuilding the crosswalk data, only 51D is run on demand solely to rebuild these files.  The other jobs have the rebuild process tied into their job streams to keep crosswalk information in sync with recently rebuilt system files. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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