06 quarterly publication output file es2pubq

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Quarterly Publication Output File (ES2PUBQ)

ES2PUBQ - Length 124 - Revised 2/15/2018


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
1124124 CharPUBQ-DETAILStandard quarterly publication detail record
111R CharPUBQ-PARTSwitch to denote partial masking of non-disclosable data; blank = disclosable data; 'D' = Nondisclosable data, partially masked


 CharPUBQ-MSAMetropolitan Statistical Area specification for data collection
463R CharPUBQ-CNTYCounty FIPS Code, substitute for QMSA selection, above
771R CharFILLERspace
881R CharPUBQ-OWNEROwnership code for publication data; '1' = Federal government; '2' = State govern­ment; '3' = Local government; '5' = Private industry
991R CharFILLERspace
104940R CharPUBQ-DESCIndustry code description
50501R CharFILLER
51566R CharPUBQ-NAICS-CODENAICS coding for publication data
57571R CharFILLERspace
58647R NumPUBQ-FST-QTR-ESTABNumber of establishments included in the oldest quarter of the selected time span
65651R CharFILLERspace
66738R NumPUBQ-EMPL1First month employment for selected quarter (or first 100 million people thereof)
74741R CharFILLERspace
75828R NumPUBQ-EMPL2Second month of employment in selected quarter
83831R CharFILLERspace
84918R NumPUBQ-EMPL3Third month's employment for selected quarter
92921R CharFILLERspace
931008R NumPUBQ-EMPLAverage monthly employment for selected quarter
1011011R CharFILLERspace
10211615R NumPUBQ-WAGETotal wages for the selected quarter (limited to first $1 quadrillion)
1171171R CharFILLERspace
1181247R NumPUBQ-AWWAverage weekly wage; those macro aggregates with wages exceeding $10,000,000 per week will not be properly reported in this field
1124124 CharPUBQ-MASK-DETAILAlternate detail line with employment, wages, and establishment count removed; this line is used when the macro aggregate represents fully-masked non-disclosable data
111R CharPUBQ-MASK-PARTThe "PART" name is a misnomer here, since this is used only for fully-masked, rather than partially-masked non-disclosable data.  At any rate, the field is set to a 'D' for any fully-masked non-disclosable publication data.
265R CharPUBQ-MASK-MSAMSA code of masked data
463R CharPUBQ-MASK-CNTYCounty FIPS code of masked data; alternate to MSA code specification
771R CharFILLERspace
881R CharPUBQ-MASK-OWNEROwnership code of masked macro data
991R CharFILLERspace
104940R CharPUBQ-MASK-DESCDescription for industry code of masked data
50501R CharFILLERspace
51566R CharPUBQ-MASK-NAICS-CODENAICS code of masked macro data
57571R CharFILLERspace
58657R NumPUBQ-MASK-FST-QTR-ESTABThis field is defined as numeric whereas the rest of them have been defined as character, since the establishment count is not non-disclosable as would the other fields be (employment and wages)
6612460R CharFILLERhave an asterisk at the end of each of the fields, namely 4 times 8 spaces and an '*'; once with 15 spaces and an "*", once with 7 spaces and an "*", and 1 space

Publication Single-Quarter Disk Output File

Data Set Name:                   ES2.PUB.QTR.REPORT

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.PUB.QTR.REPORT, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         Sequential

File Layout:                          ES2PUBQ

The "PUBQ" Publication Output File is an alternative format to the PUBF file described previously.  It is selected by the ES2J244D process automatically when a single quarter of data has been selected.  Multi-quarter ranges must produce the PUBF output instead.  This file includes three individual months of employment, not found in the other format. This information is immaterial to the multi-quarter averaging process.  The additional fields in this record add to the record length, but no other significant difference exists between the multi- and single-quarter publication output formats.

​Once this file has been created, it can be downloaded to a PC for processing in a graphical interface system, or used in a more colorful publication environment that could use charts and graphs to assist in the visualization of the data. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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