06 quarterly transaction file es2qtrn

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Quarterly Transaction File (ES2QTRN)

ES2QTRN - Length 233 - Revised 2/15/2018


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
SESA ID (U-I account + RUN) of account with quarterly data transaction
11010RKeyCharQTRN-ACCTU-I account number portion of the SESA ID
11155RKeyNumQTRN-RPT-UNITReporting unit number portion of the SESA ID
162712KeyCharQTRN-DATE-TIMECombined date and time of transaction, subdivided below
16216RKeyNumQTRN-DATETransaction date, yymmdd format
22276RKeyNumQTRN-TIMETransaction time-of-day, 24-hour clock, hhmmss format
28281KeyCharQTRN-TRANS-TYPEType of transaction, 'A' = Added record, 'C' = Changed record, 'D' = Deleted record
29313KeyNumQTRN-YRQYear and quarter for transaction activity (yyq format)
32398 CharQTRN-USER-IDBatch program ID or CICS logon ID + screen ID responsible for the change
32376R CharQTRN-UID-USERFor CICS changes, the CICS logon ID of the person making the change
38392R CharQTRN-UID-PGMFor CICS changes, identifies the CICS transaction used for the change (e.g., '2C' is ES2C first screen, 'RC' is EARC, 'C2' is 2nd ES2C screen, etc.)
4013697 CharQTRN-BEFORE-IMAGEQuarterly data as they existed before the change, or, for adds and deletes, the older of two quarters' data at the time of the addition or deletion of the record; broken out . . .
40401R CharQTRN-BI-STATUSActivity status prior to change, '1' = Active, '2' = Inactive, '9' = Pending activation
41433R CharQTRN-BI-CNTYCounty FIPS code before change


 CharQTRN-BI-OWNEROwnership code before change, '10' = Federal government, '20' = State government, '30' = Local government, '50' through '59' = Private ownership
44441R CharQTRN-BI-OWN-1Single-digit ownership code
46516R CharQTRN-BI-NAICSNAICS code before change
52521R CharQTRN-BI-TYPE-COVType of coverage code prior to change, '0' = Experience-rated taxable, '1' = Reimburs­able, '2' = Experience-rated with employee contributions, '3' = Reimbursable with employee contributions, '8' = Non-covered, '9' = Federal employer


 CharQTRN-BI-ZONESub-county zone prior to change (may also represent township, shown below)
53553R CharQTRN-BI-TOWNBefore-change sub-county New England township code
57582R NumQTRN-BI-ECCISummed numeric values denoting various economic code change fields, combina­tions of the values following:  00 = No economic code changes, 01 = Economic zone / township change, 02 = Economic NAICS code change, 04 = Economic ownership change, 08 = Economic county change
59591R CharQTRN-BI-MEEIBefore-change MEEI code, '1' = Single, '2' = Master, '3' = Worksite, '4' = Known multi refusing breakout data provision, '5' = Composite worksite, '6' = Multi treated as single due to small total employment
60623R PackQTRN-BI-PLACEBefore-change 5-digit geographic place code (such as city/town, community, etc.)
63642R CharQTRN-BI-PLACE-CLASSBefore-change class code designation for the geographic place
65728R Pack, with signQTRN-BI-CENSUS-BLOCKBefore-change 15-digit Census block, using these digits for each of the following sub-fields: 01-02 = State FIPS; 03-05 = County FIPS; 06-09 = Census tract; 10-11 = tract suffix; 12-15 = census block number; since this is a packed field, the indivi­dual sub-fields can not be broken out here, but must be referenced in a working-storage copy; a negative value for the 15-digit Census block means that the last three or four digits of the block number (positions 12-15) are blank
73731R CharQTRN-BI-DATA-SOURCEBefore-image data source code, denoting EDI participation or obtaining data from web collection of some sort; 'C' = CENCO-verified data for an EDI participant (subject to limited edits); 'E' = Standard EDI employer; 'M' = MWR submitter on the web; 'Q' = QCR submitter on the web; 'S' = Data obtained from State media; 'X' = Former EDI participant no longer involved in the program (though this value is disputed by the National Office)
74774R CharQTRN-BI-AGENT-CODEBefore-image agent code, used to denote the use of a payroll provider or other form of specialized agent
78836R CharQTRN-BI-NAIC07Before-image final previous NAICS code following the revision refiling (this could be in 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, etc.); this should only be valid in the first quarter of the refiling year (e.g., in 02/1, 07/1, 12/1, 17/1, etc.)
84841R CharQTRN-BI-EDIT-FLAGBefore-change editing status, 'N' = Needs editing, 'Y' = No more edits needed; all edits completed successfully without any crucial-level errors found
85851R CharQTRN-BI-EST-FLAGBefore-change estimation flag, 'N' = Needs estimation, 'F' = Estimates failed, 'Y' = Estimates not required
86861R CharQTRN-BI-DELQ-FLAGBefore-change delinquency flag, 'N' = Some or all data are reported, 'Y' = Delinquent
87893R PackQTRN-BI-TAX-RATEBefore-change quarter's tax rate for the firm, 5-digit value can be listed either as a decimal portion or as 1000ths of a percent (shown below), e.g., 2⅝% appears as V02625 (with the implied decimal point placement)
87893R PackQTRN-BI-TAX-RATE-PCTBefore-change redefinition of the tax rate as a percentage, namely 2⅝% appears as 02V625
90934R PackQTRN-BI-M1-EMPLBefore-change 6-digit Month 1 employment
94941R CharQTRN-BI-M1-INDBefore-change Month 1 employment indicator, blank = reported, 'A' = Copied from CES, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Summed worksites to master, 'W' = Copied from wage record count, 'X' = Zero-filled due to incoming non-numeric values
95984R PackQTRN-BI-M2-EMPLBefore-change Month 2 employment (6 digits)
99991R CharQTRN-BI-M2-INDBefore-change Month 2 employment indicator, blank = reported, 'A' = Copied from CES, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Summed worksites to master, 'W' = Copied from wage record count, 'X' = Zero-filled due to incoming non-numeric values
1001034R PackQTRN-BI-M3-EMPLBefore-change Month 3 6-digit employment
1041041R CharQTRN-BI-M3-INDBefore-change Month 3 employment indicator, blank = reported, 'A' = Copied from CES, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Summed worksites to master, 'W' = Copied from wage record count, 'X' = Zero-filled due to incoming non-numeric values
1051106R CharQTRN-BI-STATE-USAGEBefore-change quarterly (often numeric) field for state-specific data
1111166R PackQTRN-BI-TOTAL-WAGEBefore-change total wages (11 digits) for quarter
1171171R CharQTRN-BI-TOTW-INDTotal wage indicator before change, blank = Reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Pro­rated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Worksites summed to master, 'W' = Copied wage record wages, 'X' = Non-numeric value changed to zeroes, but not estim­able
1181236R PackQTRN-BI-TAX-WAGE11-digit Taxable wages for quarter before change
1241241R CharQTRN-BI-TAXW-INDTaxable wage indicator before change, blank = Reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late reported 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated work­site, 'R' = Reported, 'X' = Non-numerics converted to zeroes
1251295R PackQTRN-BI-CONTRIB-DUE9-digit Contributions (assessed) for quarter before change
1301301R CharQTRN-BI-CTRB-INDContributionsindicator before change, blank = Reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late reported 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated work­site, 'R' = Reported, 'X' = Non-numerics converted to zeroes
1311366R CharQTRN-BI-COMMENT-CODEComment codes (up to three 2-digit codes) before change, subdivided below
1311322R CharQTRN-BI-CMNT1Before-change first comment code
1331342R CharQTRN-BI-CMNT2Before-change second comment code
1351362R CharQTRN-BI-CMNT3Before-change third comment code
13723397 CharQTRN-AFTER-IMAGEQuarter's data after change in same format as described above, except that all fields use -AI- rather than -BI- notations; in adds and deletes, this represents the next quarter following that identified in QTRN-YRQ; breakout appears below
1371371R CharQTRN-AI-STATUSActivity status following change, '1' = Active, '2' = Inactive, '9' = Pending activation
1381403R CharQTRN-AI-CNTYCounty FIPS code after change


 CharQTRN-AI-OWNEROwnership code after change, '10' = Federal government, '20' = State government, '30' = Local government, '50' through '59' = Private ownership
1411411R CharQTRN-AI-OWN-1Single-digit ownership code
1431486R CharQTRN-AI-NAICSNAICS code after change
1491491R CharQTRN-AI-TYPE-COVType of coverage code following change, '0' = Experience-rated taxable, '1' = Reim­bursable, '2' = Experience-rated with employee contributions, '3' = Reimbursable with employee contributions, '8' = Non-covered, '9' = Federal employer


 CharQTRN-AI-ZONESub-county zone after the change (may also represent township, shown below)
1501523R CharQTRN-AI-TOWNAfter-change sub-county New England township code
1541552R NumQTRN-AI-ECON-CODE-CHG-INDAfter-change summed numeric values denoting various economic code change fields, combinations of the values following:  00 = No economic code changes, 01 = Economic zone / township change, 02 = Economic NAICS code change, 04 = Economic ownership change, 08 = Economic county change
1561561R CharQTRN-AI-MEEIAfter-change MEEI code, '1' = Single, '2' = Master, '3' = Worksite, '4' = Known multi refusing breakout data provision, '5' = Composite worksite, '6' = Multi treated as single due to small total employment
1571593R PackQTRN-AI-PLACEAfter-change 5-digit geographic place code (such as city/town, community, etc.)
1601612R CharQTRN-AI-PLACE-CLASSAfter-change class code designation for the geographic place
1621698R Pack, with signQTRN-AI-CENSUS-BLOCKAfter-change 15-digit Census block, using these digits for each of the following sub-fields: 01-02 = State FIPS; 03-05 = County FIPS; 06-09 = Census tract; 10-11 = tract suffix; 12-15 = census block number; since this is a packed field, the indivi­dual sub-fields can not be broken out here, but must be referenced in a working-storage copy; a negative value for the 15-digit census block indicates that the block number will be blank in the last 3 or 4 digits
1701701R CharQTRN-AI-DATA-SOURCEAfter-image data source code, denoting EDI participation or obtaining data from web collection of some sort; 'C' = CENCO-verified data for an EDI participant (subject to limited edits); 'E' = Standard EDI employer; 'M' = MWR submitter on the web; 'Q' = QCR submitter on the web; 'S' = Data obtained from State media; 'X' = Former EDI participant no longer involved in the program
1711744R CharQTRN-AI-AGENT-CODEAfter-image agent code, used to denote the use of a payroll provider or other form of specialized agent
1751806R CharQTRN-AI-NAIC07After-change final NAICS code prior to revision (this could be 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, etc.) in refiling quarter (only valid for 02/1, 07/1, 12/1, 17/1, etc., quarters)
1811811R CharQTRN-AI-EDIT-FLAGAfter-change editing status, 'N' = Needs editing, 'Y' = No more edits needed; all edits completed successfully without any crucial-level errors found
1821821R CharQTRN-AI-EST-FLAGAfter-change estimation flag, 'N' = Needs estimation, 'F' = Estimates failed, 'Y' = Estimates not required
1831831R CharQTRN-AI-DELQ-FLAGAfter-change delinquency flag, 'N' = Some or all data are reported, 'Y' = Delinquent
1841863R PackQTRN-AI-TAX-RATEQuarter's tax rate for the firm after the change, 5-digit value can be listed either as a decimal portion of the whole or as 1000ths of a percent, e.g., 2⅝% appears as either V02625 or 02V625 (with the implied decimal point placement)
1871904R PackQTRN-AI-M1-EMPL6-digit Month 1 employment after change
1911911R CharQTRN-AI-M1-INDMonth 1 employment indicator after change, blank = reported, 'A' = Copied from CES, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estima­ted, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Summed work­sites to master, 'W' = Copied from wage record count, 'X' = Zero-filled due to in­coming non-numeric values
1921954R PackQTRN-AI-M2-EMPLMonth 2 employment (6 digits) after change
1961961R CharQTRN-AI-M2-INDMonth 2 employment indicator after change, blank = reported, 'A' = Copied from CES, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estima­ted, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Summed work­sites to master, 'W' = Copied from wage record count, 'X' = Zero-filled due to in­coming non-numeric values
1972004R PackQTRN-AI-M3-EMPLMonth 3 6-digit employment after change
2012011R CharQTRN-AI-M3-INDMonth 3 employment indicator after change, blank = reported, 'A' = Copied from CES, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estima­ted, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Summed work­sites to master, 'W' = Copied from wage record count, 'X' = Zero-filled due to in­coming non-numeric values
2022076R CharQTRN-AI-STATE-USAGEQuarterly (often numeric) field for state-specific data, after change
2082136R PackQTRN-AI-TOTAL-WAGETotal wages (11 digits) for quarter after change
2142141R CharQTRN-AI-TOTW-INDTotal wage indicator after change, blank = Reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'D' = Copied from missing data notice, 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late-reported, 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Pro­rated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'S' = Worksites summed to master, 'W' = Copied wage record wages, 'X' = Non-numeric value changed to zeroes, but not estim­able
2152206R PackQTRN-AI-TAX-WAGE11-digit Taxable wages for quarter after change
2212211R CharQTRN-AI-TAXW-INDTaxable wage indicator after change, blank = Reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vrs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late reported 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'X' = Non-numerics converted to zeroes
2222265R PackQTRN-AI-CONTRIB-DUE9-digit Contributions (assessed) for quarter after change
2272271R CharQTRN-AI-CTRB-INDContributions indicator after change, blank = Reported, 'C' = Changed (re-reported), 'E' = Estimated, 'H' = Hand-estimated (vs. machine-generated), 'K' = Special estimate related to natural disaster, 'L' = Late reported 'M' = Missing, 'N' = Non-estimable (long-term delinquency), 'P' = Prorated worksite, 'R' = Reported, 'X' = Non-numerics converted to zeroes
2282336R CharQTRN-AI-COMMENT-CODEComment codes (up to three 2-digit codes) after change, subdivided below
2282292R CharQTRN-AI-CMNT1After-change first comment code
2302312R CharQTRN-AI-CMNT2After-change second comment code
2322332R CharQTRN-AI-CMNT3After-change third comment code

Quarterly Transaction File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.QTR.TRANS

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.QTR.TRANS, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2QTRN

CICS ID:                               ES2QTRN (standard); EssQTRN (Service Center; ss=State)

The Quarterly Transaction File contains records generated by update actions to the quarterly data of the Micro File.  The record of this file contains before-change and after-change values for all quarterly data elements of a specific quarter from the Micro File record, along with a record key showing the SESA ID, date and time of change, transaction type code (add, change, delete), the year and quarter of the data in question, and a user or program ID causing the change.  Changes to the administrative data are found in the Administrative Transaction File, described earlier.  Micro Auxiliary File changes go to the MOA Transaction File.

Records added to, and deleted from, the Micro File will "double up" quarters, so as to cut the number of Quarterly Transaction records in half.  The two oldest quarters' data are sent to the first QTRN record, the two next-oldest quarters go to the second record, the two latest prior quarters are sent to the third record, and the current and future quarters appear in the fourth record.  For instance, if current quarter is 2006/3, and a new record is added to the Micro File, the four added Quarterly Transaction records would show:  first record with quarter 05/1 in before-change, 05/2 in after-change area; second record with quarter 05/3 in before-change, 05/4 in after-change area; third record with 06/1 in before-change, 06/2 in after-change area;  and fourth record with 06/3 in before-change area and 06/4 in the after-change area.  Changes to a quarter's data will have the before-change and after-change data both representing the indicated year/quarter, and changed fields can be deduced by comparing the before-change and after-change field values.

Batch jobs writing records to this file include the estimation jobs (001D, 001Q, 001S, 002D, 002F, and 242D, to note estimated accounts), 005D, which selectively deletes records from both transaction files older than a particular date (this is also performed automatically in Job 001Q for transactions over a year old), and Job 013D (post-refiling new code updates from EARS refiling).  Several CICS transactions can also write records to this file.  These include ES2C (on-line Micro File update), ES2D (macro inquiry/editing review), ES2E (micro edit review and maintenance), ES2R (MWR data entry), ES2V (multiple worksite addition or change), and ES2X (on-line multi-worksite change of ownership).

​Reading the three transaction files is limited.  An audit trail report can be produced in Job 016D for a specific transaction date range.  On-line review of the transactions is also available using the ES2P screens.  A Micro or Micro Auxiliary record (or the changed portion thereof) may also be restored from this screen, if it was accidentally deleted or radically altered.  Finally, if desired, the Administrative, Micro-Auxiliary, and Quarterly Transaction Files may be used to update State-specific source files through a State-developed job that could be named ES2J006D.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​

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