14 job 032d assign prevalent naics code master

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Job 032D - Assign Prevalent NAICS Code to Master


The 032D job is useful to several States for tracking the most common industry classification found in a multi-worksite family. Unlike singles and worksites, the master record is a “virtual” record, used to store the sum of data from the worksite level to a corporate level. As such, it is not bound by the normal restrictions of non-economic code changes (i.e., that the NAICS code changes should be held for first calendar quarter). This job sums up employment levels for all associated NAICS codes shown among the worksites, then uses the largest employment to assign the master’s NAICS code. When two NAICS codes are vying for the employment majority, this can sometimes cause the master to vacillate between these two codes quarter after quarter. Although this can be flagged in micro edits, the condition may be ignored. It is not yet known whether the National Office will drop code change checks on master records. The two parameters are described below:

1. Year/Quarter for NAICS Assignment - This is a 3-digit year/quarter field (‘yyq’ format), denoting which quarter’s NAICS code is to be assigned to the master record. Only private-ownership (‘50’) accounts are eligible. Only this specific quarter’s code can be changed; subsequent quarters are untouched.

2. Bypass Updates (Print Report Only)? - This is a yes-or-no option as to whether the pre-eminent NAICS will actually be utilized. Since a report shows the largest industry present, this may suffice for some States.

  • a. ‘Y’ – “Yes” - This setting will bypass the updating of the Micro File, while still showing in the report what the prevalent NAICS code is for each private multi family.
  • b. ‘N’ – “No” - The no-bypass option will allow the master records to be changed, representing the preponderance of industry data for the quarter set in parameter #1 (Year/Quarter for NAICS Assignment).

This job can be run at any time, but is usually processed near the end of the quarter’s processing cycle. In that way, the best worksite-level data on employment vs. NAICS codes can be obtained and utilized.

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