14 jobs 026d 026u micro file restore transaction data

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Jobs 026D, 026U - Micro File Restore from Transaction File Data

Es2j026d 026u.png

The 026D job is a special usage batch job that is used to recover micro data from transactions contained the Administrative and Quarterly Transaction Files. The Micro Omni Auxiliary (MOA) File is also restored from the MOA Transaction File. It should be a rare situation that would require this job to be run, such as a disk crash or a badly botched batch job run that was missing an initial file back-up. Despite its rarity of use, the 026D job can be quite useful when it is needed. It is important to keep the date range as narrow as possible, due to the risks associated with massive data restoration.

Job 026U is an even more specialized job, not usually run by QCEW units. It is essentially a limited reversal of to 026D job. In the “U” job a specific person or batch job (identified in the “User ID” field) will be selected for an “undo” operation. If a new employee made mistakes in entering or removing data for a large number of records, this job would be able to recover the data as they existed prior to the application of any changes. However, this recovery is based upon the current content of the data. If the “after-change” image of an establishment matches the current content of the record, then the data can be removed. If the two are different, then other changes were applied afterward, so the undo operation is no longer valid.

1. Start Date for Range of Transactions to Restore - This date (with a format of yymmdd) identifies the first date for which transaction records are to be reprocessed, updating the Micro File (and Micro Auxiliary File) data to match the after-image data.

2. Ending Date for Range of Transactions to Restore - This is the last date (yymmdd format) for which transactions are to be applied to the Micro (and Micro Auxiliary) File. This can be the same as the beginning date, but cannot be earlier than the beginning date. Otherwise, nothing can be processed. Be aware that the date range needs to be recent; otherwise subsequent changes may be undone by those updates that occurred in the selected date range.

3. User-ID (Use in 26U only) - This field identifies the person or batch program name to act upon in the 026U job for restoring the original micro data in the targeted date range. This field is ignored in Job 026D runs.

Because of the rarity of use for this job, it is essential that the date range be specified exactly, to avoid potentially major complications during the data restoration process.

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