06 narrative comment file es2narc

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Narrative Comment File (ES2NARC)

ES2NARC - Length 76 - Revised 9/19/2003


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
SESA ID (U-I account plus reporting unit number) possessing a narrative
11010RKeyCharNARC-UI-ACCTU-I account portion of the SESA ID
11155RKeyCharNARC-RPT-UNITReporting unit number portion of the SESA ID (00000 through 99999)
16183KeyCharNARC-YRQYear/quarter for narrative comment or note (yyq format), 999 = Perennial narrative
19191KeyCharNARC-NOTE-INDICATORFlag showing whether the narrative is a note ('N') or comment (blank)
207657 CharNARC-COMMENTText of narrative comment or note (if sent to EQUI, last two bytes truncated)

Narrative Comments File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.NARRATIV

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.NARRATIV, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2NARC

CICS ID:                               ES2NARC (standard); EssNARC (Service Center; ss=State)

The Narrative Comment File provides additional information regarding unusual conditions found in micro-level quarterly data.  These conditions are traditionally associated with a Micro File comment code of '99'.  However, any comment code can be used in association with a narrative comment.  Narrative notes can also appear on this file.  These contain an "N" (rather than a space) in a "note" indicator field of the record.  Narrative notes have no connection with comment codes at all, so they can be entered regardless of whether a comment code exists for the quarter.  Notes are intended to be used internally in the 202 unit, for such areas as additional contact information, special processing needs, and general reminders regarding an employer.  Notes do not need to be included in the EQUI deliverable, though quarterly narrative comments should be.

Comment codes can be entered from several sources in the CICS portion of EXPO-202, including ES2C (micro data updates), ES2E (micro edit reconciliation), ES2R (MWR entry), ES2V (multiple worksite addition or change), and ES2X (multi-family change of ownership). In spite of this collection of comment code sources, however, only the ES2C transaction can also add the narrative comments directly (using the first screen).  All other sources must rely upon transfer to ES2C or the ES2Y (narrative comment maintenance) transaction to place a narrative.

Besides the quarter-specific narratives (both comments and notes), there can also be non-quarter-specific narratives.  Such narrative notes (and occasionally narrative comments) are called "perennial" narratives, and are assigned a year/quarter value of '99999'.  These records can be entered and viewed on the ES2C screen, or with transaction ES2Y.  Once entered, such a perennial narrative will continue to appear whenever the establishment for which it is assigned is called up on the ES2C screen.  The only way for it to no longer appear is to delete the narrative from the ES2Y screen.

When a narrative comment is added for a quarter, the comment code fields are checked in the Micro File record for that quarter.  If no comment code exists already, a comment code of '99' is automatically assigned to the quarter in the micro record.  If any comment codes already exist for this quarter, no additional '99' code is assigned; it is assumed that the narrative relates to the other comment codes already in place.  As previously mentioned, note-type narratives are not assigned a comment code.

Narrative comments are included in the Job ES2J022D report, which groups narratives by the associated establishment's county, owner and SIC assignment.  This report can be sorted however the analyst chooses using sort parameter code letters.  Narrative notes can be included as well, if desired.  Another option allows the perennial narratives to be shown exclusively.  The EQUI deliverable, produced by Job ES2J011D, also contains a space for quarterly narrative comments.  The EQUI file format is also produced by Job ES2J021D.

​Although the growth of this file is essentially left up to the ES-202 unit, there are limits.  During the Job 01Q run, a program is included to scan the Narrative Comments File for records relating to quarters that no longer exist in micro data.  All such records are removed to keep the file from growing to an unmanageable size.  Of course, perennial narratives (both comments and notes) are permanent, so are left untouched by this purge process.​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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