06 ​​employee transfer transaction file es2ett ​

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Employee Transfer Transaction File (ES2ETT)

ES2ETT - Length 20 - Revised 9/19/2003


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
10KeyCharETT-PRED-ACCTU-I account number of the predecessor (i.e., the employer for which this employee was working during the previous quarter); quarters are defined in the header record, with the format delineated later; must be numeric unless this employee was not associated with any employer during the previous quarter; in this case, the field should be set to 'XXXXXXXXXX', a special notation for a new hire without prior quarter employment
112010KeyCharETT-SUCC-ACCTU-I account number of the successor (i.e., the account number of the company that employed this person during the next quarter); quarters are defined in the header record, which is laid out below; must be numeric unless this employee does not show an association to any employer in the later quarter; in this instance, the successor account should be set to 'XXXXXXXXXX', which denotes an employee who is no longer associated with any employer, but was employed last quarter
​​​​​​Employee Transfer Header Record​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

(ETT-PRED-ACCT) no special name used

    in header record application

For the header record, the predecessor account field MUST be set to spaces; this is essential, since the file is sorted by the entire key (i.e., the entire record), so the header must still appear at the very beginning of the file to assure proper processing of the rest of the file
11155RKeyCharETT-OLD-YRQThe year/quarter of the older of two consecutive quarters used in the transition checks; yyyyq format; employees listed in this quarter may be able to identify predecessor relationships in the following quarter
16205RKeyCharETT-NEW-YRQYear/quarter of the newer of two consecutive quarters used in predecessor/successor transition checking; yyyyq format, which is superfluous to the new Version 8.0 standard of using 2-digit year fields; employees listed in this quarter (using the ETT-SUCC-ACCT field) may be able to identify possible successor relationships to the accounts listed in the previous quarter

Employee Transfer Transaction File

Data Set Name:                   ES2.ETTYYQ

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.ETTYYQ, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

                                             YYQ = newer of the two year/quarter fields for processing

Type of File:                         Sequential

File Layout:                          ES2ETT

​The Employee Transfer Transaction (ETT) File is a State-developed extraction file that is used by Job 62D to add or replace quarters in the multi-quarter Employment Transfer File (ES2EMPX, described previously).  The short, 20-byte records denote the U-I account number association for a particular individual in two consecutive quarters.  A person who stays with the same company in both quarters will show the same U-I in both 10-byte fields, whereas a part-time worker in two companies will show all possible combinations of account numbers as separate ETT records.  For instance, a person who works half-time for employer 1234567890, and the rest of the time for U-I number 0987654321 would have four records produced - 1234567890-to-1234567890, 1234567890-to-0987654321, 0987654321-to-1234567890, and 0987654321-to-0987654321.  When the SSN (which is never revealed to the EXPO system) is found in one of the quarters, but not the other, this employee's missing-quarter listing will show a series of 10 X's.​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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