06 macro file es2mac

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Macro File (ES2MAC)

ES2MAC - Length 66 - Revised 9/8/2006


LenKeyTypeCOBOL Field NameDescription & Notes
111KeyCharMAC-IND-TYPEIndustry Type Code; 'N' = NAICS; 'S' = SIC; 'Z' = Fuzzy factor adjustment record
Standard (County-based) Key Data​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
21110KeyCharMAC-CONCombined county, ownership and industry (SIC or NAICS); broken out below
243RKeyCharMAC-CNTYFIPS County code
551RKeyCharMAC-OWNOwnership code, '1' = Federal government, '2' = State government, '3' = Local govern­ment, '5' = Private ownership
6116RKeyCharMAC-NAICSNorth American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code (if last two digits are blank, this record represents an SIC code instead of a NAICS (see below)
694RKeyCharMAC-SICStandard Industrial Classification (SIC) code (versus NAICS code just described)
Alternative (Industry-based) Key Data​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
21110KeyCharMAC-ONCAlternative sequence for macro data, using industry-basis instead of county basis
221RKeyCharMACO-OWNOwnership code for "ONC" states; values as shown above


KeyCharMACO-NAICSNAICS code (last two digits numeric) for ONC states
364RKeyCharMACO-SICSIC code used with "S" industry type (column 1) records in ONC states
9113RKeyCharMACO-CNTYFIPS County code for ONC state record
12165KeyCharMAC-YRQYear and quarter for macro data to follow; sub-defined below
12154RKeyNumMAC-YEARYear for macro data
16161RKeyNumMAC-QTRQuarter (1, 2, 3, or 4) for macro data
17226 PackMAC-LARGEST-UI10-digit value for the U-I account number of largest firm in the macro cell (used for standard (3/80) disclosure checking)
23264 CompMAC-LARGEST-EMPL8-digit third month employment of largest firm in the macro cell (for disclosure checking; signed value)
27304 CompMAC-UNIQUE-ACCTS8-digit number of firms (U-I account numbers) in the macro cell (for disclosability; signed value)
31344 CompMAC-UNITS8-digit number of units (i.e., establishments) in the macro cell (signed value)
35384 CompMAC-NONZERO-UNITS8-digit count of establishments with non-zero employment or wages in quarter (for edits; signed value)
39424 PackMAC-MON1-EMPL8-digit summed first month's employment for all establishments in the macro cell S9(08) format; must be signed because of "Z" records which can carry negative adjustments
43464 PackMAC-MON2-EMPL8-digit summed second month's employment; must be signed, since "Z" records may carry negative adjustment values
47504 PackMAC-MON3-EMPL8-digit summed third month's employment; must be signed, since "Z" records may carry negative adjustment values
51566 PackMAC-TOTAL WAGE11-digit summed total wages for all establishments in this macro cell (maximum value $100 billion)
57626 PackMAC-TAX-WAGE11-digit summed taxable wages
63664 CompMAC-CONTRIB9-digit summed contributions due (signed)

Macro File

Data Set Name:                   WS.ES202.MACRO

Service Center DSN:           YBUssX.A145.MACRO, ('ss' = State FIPS code)

Type of File:                         VSAM indexed

File Layout:                          ES2MAC

CICS ID:                               ES2MAC (standard); EssMAC (Service Center; ss=State)

The Macro File consists of aggregated employment and wage data from the Micro File. Data are aggregated by county, ownership, industry code (SIC and NAICS), and year/quarter. The file is updated during the latter part of the quarter processing, when micro employment and wage information are considered to be reasonably "clean".  The Macro File contains only one quarter's data per record, so it can expand to cover an essentially unlimited time span.

Along with the aggregate data already described, the Macro File contains a series of fields used to perform multi-level disclosability testing.  These fields enable programs to check for the number of firms (singles and families) in an aggregate, and whether the biggest employer in the group carries at least 80% of the total employment.  There is also a field used to accrue the number of non-zero establishments or "units" (those with at least one month of employment, or the total wages, showing a non-zero value.  This field is needed for the macro edits of employment and wages, which use the count as a scaling multiplier for micro edit parameters to expand the allowed range of fluctuation for macro cells.

The batch update of the Macro File is accomplished through the complete replacement of quarters.  Micro data are collected by one program, sorted to match macro data alignment, then aggregated by another program, with the aggregates used to replace the macro records (along with the addition of new, and deletion of obsolete records).  The replacement operation occurs in Jobs 241D and 242D.  While the 241D job is used solely for macro replacements, the 242D job has this process only as a small portion of the vast integrated editing procedure.  Each job will also use the updated macro data to recreate the Statewide Macro File.  Editing of macro data (within Job 242D) occurs in a separate program, with data forwarded to the micro edit programs for incorporation into the integrated edit report.  Job 011D (producing the EQUI) also updates the Macro File so the 246F 8-quarter output can be up to date.

If obsolete macro data need to be purged from the file, the analyst should submit Job ES2J243D.  This job includes a cut-off year-quarter parameter.  Macro data for this quarter and all others older than it will be deleted from the Macro File.  However, an option exists to have this information archived so that it can be recovered at a later date (though no program has yet been developed to read the Macro Archive File.

The on-line features of the system, with the ES2D CICS transaction, allow inquiry of this file, with indirect updates available by changing the associated micro records listed in the lower portion of the screen.  All other micro record change facilities do not automatically update the macro records.

​The Macro File is used to produce the annual industry and county summary reports (through Job 245A).  It is also the source file for the Macro Roll-up report generation (Job 246D). Publications can be produced with the 244D job, and ALMIS outputs from macro data can be produced by the 247D job.  CIPSEA-compliant versions of these (245C, 246C, 244C, and 247C) are also available.​ ​ ​ ​ ​

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