11 code 064 inconsistent meei run check

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Inconsistent MEEI and RUN Check - Code 064

This edit looks for apparent conflicts between the multiple establishment employer indicator (MEEI) code and the reporting unit number (RUN) field. Worksites have a reporting unit number of 00001 through 99998, and an MEEI code of ‘3’ (worksite sub-unit) or ‘5’ (composite worksite). Singles, masters, and masters that are processed as singles always show a reporting unit number of 00000, with an MEEI code of ‘1’ (single), ‘2’ (master), ‘4’ (master refusing to provide worksite detail), or ‘6’ (master processed as single due to low total employment).

One exception exists to the MEEI assignment structure that was just described. For pre-solicitation worksites (those scheduled to be activated at a later date, but included in MWR mailings to find out whether the employer will supply worksite-level reporting data), an MEEI code of ‘4’ is used, even though the new worksites have reporting unit numbers that are non-zero. These would appear to be likely candidates to fail this edit. But they are exempted by the fact that they show the ‘4’ MEEI code only while they are in pending status. Since only active accounts can be passed through most standard micro edits, these pre-solicited worksites are not flagged.

Edit 064 looks for supposed singles/masters (MEEI code of ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘4’, or ‘6’) that have the RUN > 00000. It also checks for supposed worksites (MEEI code of ‘3’ or ‘5’) with the RUN = 00000. Such a condition flags the MEEI code, since it is changeable, whereas the reporting unit number is fixed as a part of the record key. Since the MEEI code is a quarterly occurrence field, this is a quarterly edit, conducted for both edited quarters. This is also a crucial-level exception that will lock the edit flag, causing the error to reappear in follow-up edits until the MEEI code is changed to line up with the reporting unit number. For a larger employer, this is a gross error condition. BLS classification: A.1.4 or B.1.5, depending on size of establishment. EXPO “G” code: A064 or B064.

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