11 code 156 township change check

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Township Code Change Check - Code 156

This edit is equivalent to the mid-year county code change check in the micro edit program. It is generally assumed that a one-to-one predecessor-to-successor transfer will not require the predecessor to move to a new county. The edit will use the predecessor’s current-quarter county code when the account is active during the current quarter; otherwise, the prior quarter’s code is used (since it must always be active in prior quarter). This is an unnecessary precaution, since it is virtually impossible to find employer records that become inactive and show a code change in the inactive quarter.

A predecessor county code in the 900 series excuses a code disparity with the successor, since it could be better defined as a specific county in the successor. There is no mention, however, whether a change from one 900-series county to another (such as from ‘998’ to ‘995’) should be disallowed; so there is no check for this condition. The mathematical representation of this edit is as follows:

088 code 156.png

Note:  The BLS edit specifications use an “or” condition with the 990-series county checks, which is not mathematically sound, since it would always be true (e.g., the combined statement– “if X ≠ 2  or X ≠ 3” will always be true, even when X = 2 or X = 3, since it only one inequality for a “true” condition).

This edit does not inspect the quarter code, so that even a transition occurring in the first calendar quarter can be flagged for a county code change, since it is still possible that the successor account was miscoded when it was initially added to the Micro File. If the predecessor and successor county codes do not match, both are underscored in the edit report. Of course, predecessor and successor must be individual establishments (not masters), and meet the employment requirements mentioned earlier. The control totals page shows an error description of “Predecessor/ Successor County Code Change Conflict” for this situation. BLS classification code: B.2.7.

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