12 uia zip code

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The zip code for the U-I tax address is divided into two sub-fields: IMT-UI-ZIP-5 is a 5-byte alphanumeric field at positions 388 - 392; IMT-UI-ZIP-4 is a 4-byte alphanumeric field at positions 393 - 396, representing the Zip+4 extension to the zip code. When the mailing address is specified, these fields must be provided as well. The five-digit zip code must be numeric, except for Canadian and other international addresses. The Zip+4 portion is generally optional to the system. If unknown, it should be left as low-values.

For Canadian addresses (when IMT-UI-STATE = 'CN'), the zip code uses the Canadian format, which is "A9A9A9", in which "A" represents a strictly alphabetic character and "9" represents a strictly numeric digit. Though a separating space generally splits the six-character field in half, this separator should be eliminated here. Thus a Canadian zip code of "H3E 4U2" would be loaded as "H3E4U" in the IMT-UI-ZIP-5 field, and "2", followed by three trailing spaces in the IMT-UI-ZIP-4 field.

If no U-I mailing address is provided, or if it is inappropriate for the account, both of the sub-fields should remain filled with low-values.

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