14 jobs 015d 015s perform predecessor successor edits

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Jobs 015D and 015S - Perform Predecessor/Successor Edits

Es2j015d 015s.png

This screen is designed for Job 015D parameter entry, but doubles as a Job 015S parameter platform as well. The “S” job is the old version of predecessor/successor editing that was in effect before Version 8.1. Because it provided certain features that are unavailable in the new job (such as employment change edits) and covers account pairs that are missing in the new report, many States continue to run the old version in addition to the new job. The parameters are listed below.

1. Year/quarter for Predecessor/Successor Edits - This 3-digit yr/qtr field (‘yyq’ format) identifies the transitional quarter for predecessor/successor transfer. It is mostly geared toward the successor, since the predecessor could have terminated at the end of the previous quarter.

2. Predecessor/Successor Report Scope - This switch identifies whether this is more of an edit report or a compendium of predecessor/successor transfers for this time period. The values (‘1’ or ‘2’) are described below:

  • a. ‘1’ (“P/S Exceptions Only”) - This is considered the “normal” processing mode for P/S processing, looking only for exceptional cases that appear to be wrong in some respect (due to code conflicts, date conflicts, data overlaps, etc.).
  • b. ‘2’ (“All P/S for Quarter”) - This option lists all one-to-one predecessor/successor relationships that take place in the specified quarter. Any that have edit exceptions will note those flagged accounts when they occur. All other pairs will have no other special notation, but list only the pairing itself.

3. Print Many-to-One, One-to-Many Pred/Succ Report? (Not Yet Available) - This is an option that is only valid for the 015S job. If selected, this produces an additional report listing of many predecessors mapped to a single successor and a single predecessor branching out into multiple successors, all taking place during the target quarter.

  • a. ‘Y’ (“Yes”) - Produce the Many-to-One, One-to-Many report in Job 015S. This parameter has no effect in Job 015D.
  • b. ‘N’ (“No”) - Omit the Many-to-One, One-to-Many report.

The predecessor/successor edits of either job (015D or 015S) can be run at any time. They are most useful, however, as part of the edit clean-up. Since many of these relationships are not found until at least mid-way through the quarterly cycle, the 015D/015S jobs are most often submitted in the latter half of the quarter’s process.

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