04 job es2j024d micro file update old mwr

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Job ES2J024D - Micro File Update from Old MWR File (350-Byte Format)

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs (click to link to each program description):

Job Features and Functions

Job 024D performs a direct update to the Micro File rather than relying on an IMT update. It also produces a report that notes the changes made; optionally, the report can be generated without updating the Micro File, allowing an analyst to pre-check the data.

Job 024D uses the year/quarter on the input file to determine which quarter to update on the Micro File. Therefore, no year/quarter parameter exists for this job. When appropriate data are found, corresponding records on the Micro File are updated directly by 024D, bypassing the IMT update process. This means that job 001D or 001S does not need to be run after running 024D. Because this job updates the Micro File directly, the Micro File is not disabled in CICS while the job is running. In addition, appropriate updates are made to the Narrative Comment File, MOA File, and both Administrative and Quarterly Transaction Files. Administrative data updated to the Micro File by this job include trade and legal names, physical address, reporting unit description, and non-zero EIN's. If records exist on the MWR file that are not in the Micro File, they are added to the Micro File as new records.

Job 024D also produces a hard copy report of the records processed. In addition, a report is generated for records that were on the file, but not processed. This report of unprocessed records includes the U-I number and the reason for not processing (e.g. out of State FIPS code, or data for a quarter other than that specified in ES2N parameters, or invalid Reporting Unit Number).

For PEO companies, if a sub-unit reports a predecessor, it is assumed this has reference to the actual company for which the leasing company is reporting. The program posts the sub-unit account number to the successor field of the actual company’s account.

Job 024D also updates the EDI and mail codes in the Micro File. The EDI source code is specified on the file. This source code (C) for CENCO or EDI, or (E) EDI data, is copied from the incoming file and written to the EDI code in the Micro File. The mail code of the master is set to do not mail (N).

Note: Job 024D is capable of reading electronic MWR files submitted in either the older 350-byte format or the 424-byte format.  Separate input files must be created for each record type.  The program is designed to recognize each format and processes accordingly.  No format parameter is required.

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