04 job es2j242d run integrated edits rebuild crosswalks

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Job ES2J242D - Run Integrated Edits and Rebuild Crosswalks

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs (click to link to each program description):

Job Features and Functions

Job 242D performs the same operations as 241D, but also enacts the integrated edits. It performs both the micro edits and the macro edits for current and prior quarter. It updates both the County and Statewide Macro Files and sets the edit flag in each cell of the County Macro File. It also updates the County and Statewide Crosswalk Files. In addition, it copies refiling code changes to Micro File if the current year’s refiling is in effect–the functions of Job 013D. The Job also copies the Physical Location Address from the MOA (1st preference), if add type = 1 or U-I address (2nd preference), if add type = 1 to the Physical Address field, if blank. It produces a separate Micro Edit Exception Report for records that failed the micro edit but were not associated with a macro edit failure.

It also produces a combined Macro/Micro Exception Report for macro cells failing the macro edit. This second Exception Report displays macro cells with edit errors and includes micro records within the flagged macro cell that have employment and wage type errors. This integrated display of macro errors and associated micro records with employment and/or wage errors helps the analyst to quickly identify the micro records responsible for the macro errors. An on-line integrated edit report can be displayed on the ES2D screen. The ES2D screen includes an edit mode that displays the same macro edit exceptions as shown on the hard copy integrated edit, but also provides an efficient means to clean up the integrated edit. ES2D, in edit mode, stops at the first macro cell flagged with an error in current or prior quarter and simultaneously displays micro records, with similar errors. Micro corrections and or comment codes can be made from this screen. As micro employment and wage corrections and updates are made in ES2D, the macro file is simultaneously updated, the macro edits are re-performed immediately, and the Macro Edit File is updated. The impact of micro changes can be seen immediately by the analyst.

If macro errors have been resolved, the error codes are removed from the Macro Edit File and from display on ES2D. If new errors have been created by the changes, the new error codes are displayed. If a macro cell has an error, but no associated micro records are displayed, the analyst can press the F9 key to change to inquiry mode and display all micro records in the cell to find the record(s) responsible for the macro problem. Micro corrections can also be made from the inquiry mode and the macro file is simultaneously updated. Since Job 242D updates the Cross-reference Files, this all-micro record display on ES2D is complete and current. As previously mentioned, 242D maintains the Macro Edit File by both adding and removing macro edit records and their specific error codes as corrections are made.

The Micro Edit File stores records for current and prior quarter that failed the micro edit. The Macro Edit File stores macro cells that failed the macro portion of the integrated edit. The Micro Edit File stores the micro only exception (non-integrated) in the first part of the file and the micro exception that are macro-integrated in the last part of the file. The micro-only exceptions are in the sort sequence established in Job 001Q. The sort sequence of the micro exceptions that are macro integrated is in county/ownership/SIC sequence or the sequence of the Macro Edit File. An exception to this general rule of Micro Edit File sequence occurs when a State has QMSA’s in their Lookup File. When QMSA’s exist, the primary sort automatically becomes QMSA for both the Micro Edit File and Macro Edit File. For the first QMSA, the micro-only (non-integrated) exception records will appear, followed by the integrated micro exceptions. Then the next QMSA commences with its micro-only records followed by the integrated exceptions, and so forth.

Job 242D uses both the Micro File and Macro File as input. Although normally run after jobs 001Q, 001D and 002D, 242D can be run before these jobs. If run after 001Q, 001D or 002D, Micro records previously edited and assigned an edit flag of ‘Y’ are by-passed in the micro edits in Job 242D. Partial and optionally delinquent estimates are performed in Job 242D unless previously performed in 001Q, 001D, or 002D.

The integrated edit process of matching micro records, with employment and wage errors, to macro cells with errors is accomplished by cross referencing Macro Edit File error codes with Micro Edit File error codes related to employment and wage fluctuations. Since the micro employment and wage edit checks are essentially the same as those in the macro edits, the employment and wage error codes posted to the Micro and Macro Edit Files are identical.

Note:  Macro edit tolerances for employment and wage fluctuations are the established micro tolerances multiplied by the number of records in the macro cell (i.e. the more units within a macro cell, the larger the tolerance).

The integrated edit program uses the error codes posted to the Macro and Micro Edit Files to match micro and macro records together for the integrated edit hard copy and ES2D display. Administrative data exceptions on micro records are unique to the micro edits because no administrative data exists on the Macro File. Therefore, micro records with administrative errors only, will not appear on the integrated edits, but rather the separate Micro Edit Report. This job also produces the Flash Report (normally produced by 029D) to provide the analyst with records counts to supplement the editing process.

Job 242D would normally be run subsequent to running and cleaning up the standard micro edits in jobs 001Q, 001D, or 002D. These jobs would typically be run first to do the initial and subsequent extracts of data from the IMT File. Jobs 001Q, 001D and 001D automatically perform partial estimates and optionally delinquent estimates. The micro edits are performed on fully reported and/or estimated records. Edited records are assigned an edit flag of ‘Y’ (displayed on 2nd ES2C screen) and will not be reedited in the integrated edit, except for records with crucial errors. Records with crucial errors retain an edit flag of “N”, denoting that the record needs to be edited again. Records with an edit flag of ‘N’ either haven’t been edited or they have a crucial error and will continue to be re-edited and re-displayed on the exception listing until the problem is resolved. Records that were edited and the edit flag was set to “Y” and then were subsequently changed in the ES2C or ES2E screens, have their edit flag reset to N, making them subject to the next micro edit run in 001D, 002D or in 242D (integrated edit). As with 001Q, 001D, and 002D, Job 242D changes the edit flag to ‘Y’, except for crucial errors. Partially reported records, that have failed previously attempted estimates, receive an estimation flag of “F” to prevent unnecessary reprocessing of inestimable fields. These records with failed estimates are processed through the standard micro edits and will generally fail some of the edits.

The analyst should review the edit exception reports generated by Job 242D and resolve edit issues. The first portion of the Exception Report is the standard Micro Edit Exception Report and consists of micro exceptions not related to a macro cell exception. The ES2C or ES2E screen can be used to correct or comment on these exceptions. The second portion of the report is the Integrated Edit Exception Report that identifies macro exceptions and associated micro records with employment and wage errors. The ES2D screen (edit mode) displays the same information as the hard copy report. Both the Integrated Edit Report and the edit mode of the ES2D screen identify macro cells with error codes in the macro edit file and micro records within each macro cell with employment and wage type error codes in the Micro Edit File. Some micro records with employment and wage related errors may also have administrative type errors in the Micro Edit File. These errors will also be noted on the integrated edit. In addition, some micro records may have employment and wage errors as well as administrative type errors, but no associated error exists at the macro level. These micro records appear in the standard Micro Edit Report that prints prior to the Integrated Edit Report where the macro/micro associated errors are printed. Corrections and comment codes can be made at the micro level from the ES2D screen. With an easy transfer to ES2C from ES2D, a narrative comment can also be made for the current quarter. Micro employment and wage corrections, made on ES2D simultaneously update both the Micro and Macro Files.

Although the ES2C screen can be used to correct and update micro records appearing on the integrated edit, the ES2D screen provides some advantages not offered in ES2C. The ES2D screen displays both macro and micro data. As employment and wage corrections are made in this screen, the macro data are immediately updated and, if in the edit mode, the macro edits re-performed on that cell. If the micro correction resolves the macro problem, the error codes are removed from Macro Edit File and also from the ES2D screen. Otherwise, the error codes remain or new error codes may appear if the corrections created another problem. Therefore, the user gets immediately feedback on whether the micro changes resolve the macro edit issue.

Making edit related corrections, on ES2C, does not provide the instant feedback that is available in ES2D. To see the results on macro data for corrections made in ES2C, Job 242D must be re-run. This would cause the micro and macro edits to be re-performed, removing and posting new error codes to the edit files, and producing a new Integrated Edit Report.

Job 242D can be run multiple time on demand until the analyst is satisfied that all micro and macro exceptions have been resolved. With each run, the Macro Files are updated to reflect the latest corrections to the Micro File and the Integrated Edit Report is printed.

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