04 micro jobs

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Micro Jobs

To submit a Micro Batch Job, you must select the ‘EXPO System Menu’ from the ‘ISPF Primary Option Menu.’ Review the TSO Entry section of Appendix A (DMA Processing) if you need assistance logging in or reaching the ISPF Primary Option Menu.

From the ISPF Primary Option Menu, execute the following steps:

Micro jobs.png

1. Type ‘EX’ on the ‘Option ===>’ line and press Enter.
2. Type ‘1’ on the ‘Select option ===>’ line, enter your ‘State FIPS Code’ on the (required) line, and press Enter.
3. Select the micro batch job you wish to run from the menu.
  • Ensure you have entered the job’s parameters on the ES2N screen, if applicable.
4. Select a Job Class, Printer, and Format, and then Submit the job.

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