14 job 010d mailing label printing

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Job 010D - Mailing Label Printing


Job 010D is rarely used any more, since mailing label production is virtually prohibited by BLS regulations related to confidentiality of employers. If a label is applied during the mailing of a document that contains specific information about an employer, using the wrong label could divulge data that are to be held in confidence. Therefore, it is essential that these labels be used only with mailings that do not relate to security issues. Because of the risks associated with such mailings, the future of this job is not entirely clear.

1. Year/Quarter for Label Printing Selection - This 3-digit field (in ‘yyq’ format) identifies the quarter for which all quarter-specific selection fields are to be drawn. It must be a quarter that is still on the Micro File, but otherwise it is unrestricted.

2. Label Run Option - This flag acts as the primary function designator for the job’s run, noting whether the labels will be connected with delinquent account processing or a more generalized selection logic. The options include:

  • a. ‘1’ = Delinquent Employment for Single or Master - This option is used for a common data collection problem in the QCEW unit, namely the absence of employment fields for accounts collected via the Quarterly Contributions Report (QCR) form. In fact, it was for this reason the 010D job was developed, since the U-I department rarely will pursue the absence of employment data as long as they receive proper wage data.
  • b. ‘2’ = Delinquent Worksite Family - Although this option is available for this job, it may act as a duplication of processing already available for Multiple Worksite Report (MWR) form printing in the 012 job series. Some States have specialized letters, etc., to help encourage or expedite employer response to a delinquency problem. Labels from this job can be affixed to such mailings.
  • c. ‘3’ = General Selection - The remaining option is a catch-all for generalized selection of accounts for label printing, based upon the other factors listed below. It is not regulated by delinquency status, and can use any combination of MEEI codes.

3. Ownership Codes - Four characters are provided here to select any or all of the ownership codes (using the first digit in each case). As long as at least one valid code is listed, any combination of ownership codes can be employed, using the following options:

  • a. ‘1’ = Federal Government
  • b. ‘2’ = State Government
  • c. ‘3’ = Local Government
  • d. ‘5’ = Private (non-governmental) Ownership

4. Types of Coverage - Permits up to three of the four valid types of coverage to be selected in combination. The possible values are listed below.

Caution: There are instances when the type-of-coverage and ownership code may be mutually exclusive (e.g., ownership ‘1’ for Federals and ToC other than ‘9’).
  • a. ‘0’ = Experience rated
  • b. ‘1’ = Reimbursable
  • c. ‘8’ = Non-subject to U-I taxation
  • d. ‘9’ = Federal employer

5. Respect Mailing Code Restrictions? - This flag allows the mailing code to be polled for selection in label production. Respecting the mailing code is generally wise to avoid bothering employers that have already noted they are unwilling to participate in mailed solicitations for information.

  • a. ‘Y’ - Respect the mailing code, bypassing all employers that never are to receive mailings or are only to receive annual mailings in a different calendar quarter than the one selected for this run.
  • b. ‘N’ - Ignore the mailing code, producing labels for all accounts otherwise eligible for selection.

6. Sort by Zip Code - This option allows the labels to be resequenced for mass mailings with reduced postal rates.

  • a. ‘Y’ - Sort label printing by zip code.
  • b. ‘N’ - Do not enact a zip-code sort. Retain SESA-ID sequencing of the labels.

7. MEEI Code Selections - This is a list of multi-establishment employer indicator (MEEI) codes to include in the label printing. Any or all of the six possible MEEI codes can be listed here. Possible values include:

  • a. ‘1’ - Single establishments
  • b. ‘2’ - Multi master records
  • c. ‘3’ - Worksite sub-units
  • d. ‘4’ - Known multi’s refusing to provide worksite data; treated as a single
  • e. ‘5’ - Composite worksites
  • f. ‘6’ - Multi’s not broken out due to low secondary employment

Since mailing label printing has almost become an archaic output type, and more importantly, since the National Office is dead-set against the use of mailing labels due to potential confidentiality issues, the 010D job will probably almost never be needed. There may also be other viable alternatives, such as some of the file output options in Job 020D. State analysts should carefully consider whether to use this job.

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