14 job 012f produce federal multiple worksite report mwr forms

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Job 012F - Produce Federal Multiple Worksite Report (MWR) Forms

Es2j012d 012b 012e.png

Job 012F processes selection parameters in order to print MWR forms for Federal government employers. Unlike standard MWR forms, Federal MWR’s can be produced for single accounts as well as multi-worksite families. Many of the parameters are the same as for the 012D job, described earlier. Specific differences are noted as the parameters are described below.

1. Year/Quarter for Federal MWR Forms Printing - This field (in ‘yyq’ format) specifies the quarter for data selection in order to determine eligibility for MWR printing.

2. Number of Mailing - Known as the “Type of Mailing” in the 012D run, this field is used here only to identify which of three mailings is being processed.

  • a. ‘1’ (“1st”) - Signifies the first MWR mailing of a quarter. This produces an MWR for all delinquent worksite families meeting the other selection criteria (listed below). The forms include no special notation about the mailing.
  • b. ‘2’ (“2nd”) - Specifies the second mailing of MWR forms for this quarter. Any worksite families that have remained delinquent (and without a bypass flagging on the master in the “MWR received” switch) will be selected (providing the other parameters below are met). The forms include a notation that this is a follow-up mailing.
  • c. ‘3’ (“3rd”) - This allows the third MWR mailing to be processed for the quarter. It is identical to the second mailing, but with an extra chance for the multi’s to respond before this mailing goes out.

3. Family Selection - This option allows families to be selected based upon their novelty or longevity. Federal singles are not available with all of these options, as noted below.

  • a. ‘0’ (Special Selection) - This option is only used when preparing Federal MWR’s for the firms identified in a specific group. The group ID is specified as the next parameter.
  • b. ‘1’ (All Federal Families and Singles) - This option will catch all delinquent Federal reporters, whether they are unreported singles or multi families that have not yet returned their MWR form.
  • c. ‘2’ (New Families) - Allow only those families that were singles last quarter to be processed. This run is normally accompanied by a cover letter, introducing the employer to multiple-worksite reporting. Federal singles are bypassed under this option.
  • d. ‘3’ (Existing Families) - This option will ignore all the “new” families (those that have all worksites activated this quarter), in favor of the established families that have been multi-worksite reporters for at least one prior quarter. These rarely require any special processing or cover letters, as they are the experienced MWR reporters. Federal singles are ignored for this option.
  • e. ‘4’ (Federal Singles Only) - This is a novel option available only for Federal MWR processing. It will look for delinquent single federal employers, but will ignore all multi families. Federal singles will have the mailing address appear in the main address block, but the physical address in the first worksite block (if a PLA is available). The reporting unit number in the shaded, left-hand portion of the form will show up as ‘99999’ to signal a single.

4. Accounts Group ID (Used only for Family Selection = 0) - This is the four-byte group ID code for a “special” selection of families. It is blank (or ignored) whenever the Family Selection parameter is not set to zero (‘0’).

5. Include Presolicitations (Y-es; N-o; X=Yes, Exclusively) - This option allows for special treatment of pre-solicitation worksite families. Though pre-solicitation practice is relatively rare in Federal accounts, the procedure is the same as with other prospective multi’s. Pre-solicitations (when the worksites are pending activation, but have been assigned an MEEI code of ‘4’) will need to receive MWR forms on a test basis to find out whether they will actually provide the quarterly employment and wage data once the worksites are activated.

  • a. ‘Y’ (“Yes”) - Allow pre-solicited worksite families to be included in the MWR mailing with all other selected multi families.
  • b. ‘N’ (“No”) - Exempt pre-solicitations from this run. Select only active multi families.
  • c. ‘X’ (“Yes, Exclusively”) - Ignore the active multi-worksite employers, selecting only those in pre-solicitation status. This exclusive selection of pre-solicitation accounts allows the sampling MWR forms to be accompanied by a special cover letter or other mailing to encourage the prospective multi-reporters to provide MWR data.

6. Sort Sequence - This option allows federal MWR forms to be left in SESA ID sequence or sorted by zip code (for mailing cost reduction), or by the number of pages (to group the mailings by weight). Here are the options:

  • a. ‘A’ (“Account”) - The default process leaves the MWR forms in U-I account number order, which take virtually no time to run the sort option.
  • b. ‘P’ (“Pages”) - This option allow all of the one-page MWR’s to be printed first, followed by the two-page, three-page, etc., forms. This organizes the mailing by weight, so the postal scale only needs to be checked once for each page count.
  • c. ‘Z’ (“Zip Code”) - This option enacts zip code sorting (according to the master account’s mailing zip code). This is intended to act as a postal rate reduction for cheaper mailings.

7. Print Bar Code on Forms? - This option allows the U-I account number to be con-verted to a bar-code font and printed on the form. This can be helpful in setting the MWR receipt switch for masters when the forms are received back. Rapid scanning of these U-I’s enables a quick turn-around time for sending out follow-up form mailings. This action is ineffective, however, on Federal singles, which have no use for the MWR receipt switch.

  • a. ‘Y’ (“Yes”) - Include a bar-code on the form so the U-I account number can be scanned in as needed, once the MWR form has been filled out and returned by the employer.
  • b. ‘N’ (“No”) - Don’t bother with the U-I account barcode line on the MWR forms, as it will not be used for scanning returned forms.

8. Print Attention Name in Mailing Address if Available? - This option may be useful in directing the MWR form to the proper recipient at the solicited employer. For some States, however, the attention name data may be too outdated or used for other notifications.

  • a. ‘Y’ (“Yes”) - If the attention (now called “contact”) name is available, print it on the master’s address block, so the MWR will reach the proper person.
  • b. ‘N’ (“No”) - Do not use attention/contact information for forms printing, as the field is considered either untrustworthy or not useful.

9. Print List of Accounts Receiving MWR Forms? - This switch enables a separate report to be printed, listing each of the U-I account numbers selected for MWR form printing during this run. This may be useful for record keeping or mailing verification.

  • a. ‘Y’ (“Yes”) - Produce a roster of U-I account numbers that receive MWR forms for this run.
  • b. ‘N’ (“No”) - Do not print a list of the U-I’s included in the MWR forms.
  • c. ‘R’ (“Report only”) - Produce the U-I accounts list for MWR forms, but do not print the forms themselves. This is a trial-run option to find out how many forms are to be generated when the job is run “for real.”

10. Mailing Address Option (1-st Priority, 2-nd Priority, 3-rd Priority) - This is a set of three flags used to denote the relative hierarchy of address usage in printing the MWR forms. Each of the switches (for MOA, UIA, and PLA placement) must be set to 1, 2, or 3. Each of them must also be unique (for example, there cannot be a ‘1’, ‘1’, ‘2’ combination).

  • a. Use Mail/Other Address - Set the priority for use of the mailing/other address relative to the other two addresses.
    • i. ‘1’ - Use this as the top-priority address.
    • ii. ‘2’ - Use this as subordinate only to the top-priority address. If the #1 address is not present, use this address on the MWR form.
    • iii. ‘3’ - Use this as the lowest-level address priority. It will only appear on the MWR when both other addresses are blank.
  • b. Use UI/Tax Address - Set the priority level for use of the Unemployment-Insurance Tax Address block. The values (‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’) have the same meaning as shown above. The U-I priority number must be different than the MOA and PLA values.
  • c. Use Physical Address - Set the priority level for the physical location address (PLA) use in MWR form printing. The values (‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’) have the same definitions as shown above. The PLA field must be different than the MOA and the UIA flags.

As with the 012D job, the Federal forms production in the 012F job will normally be produced about twice per quarter (Federal forms may not be required as frequently, since such a high percentage of Federal data are already collected by the EDI Center). The timing for this job is similar to the 012D run as well, namely at the very onset of a new quarter and again somewhere during the first half of quarter processing.

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