14 job 042d produce equi change report

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Job 042D - Produce an EQUI Change Report


The 042D job is a form of EQUI data editing. It will edit the most recent EQUI file, showing the data that should be flagged, under the conditions that are declared above. This checks for the maximum employment or wages that would be used to identify oddities like a large difference in employment, an unclassified-classified account (e.g., when it is acceptable for the account to go from all 9’s to a specific county, ownership, or NAICS code), etc.

The parameters shown below specify tolerances used for micro record selection. It has not been run by any production State yet.

1. Newest Year/Quarter Data on EQUI File - This field identifies the most recent year/quarter (in yyq format) to be placed on the EQUI deliverable. The quarter immediately before this one will also be considered for data checking.

2. Delete Record Monthly Employment Level - This 6-digit number is the minimum employment level needed to list a micro record that has been deleted from the file since the previous EQUI submittal. The value of 10 employees shown is a good “rule-of-thumb” measure, but the specific value may vary to whatever level suits a particular State’s QCEW unit.

3. Unclassified Avg Monthly Employment Level - Like the “delete” parameter just mentioned, this field is a 6-digit number, denoting the minimum employment requirement (measured as the average monthly employment (or AME)) to list an establishment that carries no NAICS classification. The 10-employee default is a reasonable starting place.

4. Pred/Succ Avg Monthly Employment Level - This 6-digit tolerance is the mini-mum AME level required to note a change to an establishment’s predecessor or successor SESA-ID assignment (since the last EQUI deliverable). A 10-employee default is suggested.

5. Status Change Avg Monthly Employment Level - Yet another 6-digit parameter is shown here, this time to represent the minimum AME level required to list an establishment showing a change to the activity status code (activated or inactivated) since the last EQUI was submitted. The shown default is 10 employees.

6. Difference Monthly Employment Level - This 6-digit value identifies the amount of change in month-to-month employment level needed to include an establishment on the report. Like the other employment tolerances, this field shows a default of 10 employees, which is generally a good starting value.

7. Total Wages Level - Unlike the earlier parameters, the wage level is an 8-digit field, noting the minimum total wage difference amount needed to list an employer on the report. The displayed default value is $1,000, but the value can be shifted to whatever value is most useful for your State.

Even though the 042D job can be run at any time, it is almost useless until the EQUI clean-up phase (the month following the initial EQUI submittal). The report essentially provides a preview of which establishments will be eligible for inclusion in a clean-up EQUI submittal (even though the clean-up run in Job 011D is almost never used, in favor of a subset EQUI submittal with Job 021F). This report is helpful to identify the most likely records to be selected for subset placement in ES2C using the PF17 key.

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