14 job 120a apply usps coa updates cars accounts

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Job 120A - Apply USPS COA Updates for CARS Accounts


The 120A job can be run by States participating in the Centralized Annual Refiling Survey (CARS) system to transfer address changes for CARS-participating employers directly to the Micro Auxiliary File. The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides a file of CARS accounts that have filed a change-of-address card, noting their correct new address. This file can be accessed by this job, either for review or for direct application of the address changes to the system files.

1. Update Option - This switch allows the new addresses to be transferred to the MOA File. These options are described below.

  • a. ‘Y’ (“Yes, apply the updates”) - This option instructs the system to forward any known address updates, found in the Change of Address (COA) File, to the Micro Auxiliary File’s mailing/other address records, which store the MOA data that are used for the mailings. A report will also be generated, showing the establishments affected by the change.
  • b. ‘N’ (“No, do not apply the updates”) - This option declines to update the system file data. Instead, it allows the address change data to be previewed on the report that will still be generated by the job run. If the new addresses are acceptable, they can be applied in a supplemental run of the 120A job.

Job 120A is an annual job, since the USPS Change of Address File is only produced once during the annual refiling cycle. This file is prepared during the late fall, which is the usual timing for this job’s run. If needed, it can be run multiple times. Originally, this job was run by EXPO staff for the limited number of States participating in the CARS program; now, since it is so widespread, the job has been transferred to State control.

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