14 job 004d multi family delinquency report

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Job 004D - Multi-Family Delinquency Report


Job 004D provides a means of listing the multi-worksite families that are delinquent for a specific quarter. The definition of “delinquency” can either include or exclude estimated / prorated worksites. The more restrictive view is to list only families with zero / missing worksite data. The individual selection options are explained below.

1. Year/Quarter for Multi-Delinquency Report - This three-byte field (in the ‘yyq’ format) identifies which year and quarter to examine for all-worksite delinquency. It can be any quarter found on the Micro File. If the parameters are never changed and the specified quarter has rolled off the file, then the data selection program (ES2UT38) will ABEND.

2. Run Option - This is a switch for the use or non-use of worksite families with all estimated data, according to the following values:

  • a. ‘A’ (“All Delinquent Families”) - This selection will list all families that are in any way delinquent. This can mean the master may or may not be reported, and that the worksites have not reported, but may or may not have had estimates applied. Therefore, the worksites have indicators of ‘M’, ‘E’, or ‘P’. Please note that a delinquent master account with reported worksites is not included here, as this job is seeking delinquent worksite families.
  • b. ‘E’ (“Only Families with ‘Estimated’ Data”) - This value looks for “E” indicators among the worksites. It notes that the master has not yet reported, so the worksite distribution is itself based upon an estimate made to the master record.
  • c. ‘M’ = (“Only Missing-Data Families”) - This is the more restrictive selection, since the employment and total wages of all worksites in the family must be zero, in addition to the worksite family being non-reported.
  • d. ‘P’ (“Only Families with ‘Prorated’ Data”) - This option isolates the families with prorated worksites (i.e., the master has reported, but the worksites are delinquent, so estimates were made by distributing the master account’s wage and employment data).

3. Include EDI Accounts? (Y or N) - This option almost parallels the switch used in Job 003D, except that it has no exclusive-selection option. Corporations supplying their nationwide employment/wage data to the Employment Data Interchange (EDI) Collection Center will either be included with everyone else or specifically omitted.

  • a. ‘Y’ - Allow EDI participating employers to be included in the Multi Delinquency Report with all other delinquent families.
  • b. ‘N’ - Omit EDI families from the report, since their delinquency will be handled by BLS rather than through the States.

4. Sort by Ownership? (Y or N) - Ownership sorting is provided for those States that divide the multi-family processing by ownership (private, Federal, State, and local government). Page breaks assist the distribution of the Multi Delinquency Report.

  • a. ‘Y’ - Sort the Multi Delinquency Report by ownership code (ascending), so all Federal delinquent families will appear first, followed by State government, etc.
  • b. ‘N’ - No special provision should be given to ownership codes. Leave the data in U-I account number sequence. However, if the first one or two characters of the Micro Edit sort parameters are numeric (denoting that digits of the U-I account number are the highest-level sort factors), then those U-I digits will be used to sequence the report.

5. Report or File Option - This option determines whether to print the Delinquent Families Report or to produce a file that either lists the delinquent U-I account numbers (according to the run option, described earlier) or all of the members of the delinquent family as well.

  • a. ‘R’ (“Report”) - This value will send the data to the report, including the master and its worksites in the listing.
  • b. ‘F’ (“File - Masters”) - This option forwards the list of delinquent U-I numbers to a file that can be processed externally. There is no worksite-level detail in the file, it is solely intended to provide U-I numbers of delinquent families.
  • c. ‘B’ (“File - Both”) - This value can be selected to send references of the entire delinquent family to the output file, rather than just the master records. In addition to the delinquent account numbers, each of the worksite RUN’s will also be listed for a more complete tally.

Job 004D can be run anytime during the quarterly processing. It is generally most useful about midway through the quarter, to determine the level of multi-family delinquency that still exists among micro data.

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