14 job 005d purge older transaction file records

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Job 005D - Purge Older Transaction File Records


Job 005D provides an avenue to trim the size of all of the EXPO transaction files. These include the Administrative Transaction File, the Quarterly Transaction File and the MOA Transaction File. Transaction files are already purged automatically by the 001Q job to limit them to the past six months of data. This job serves as a supplement to that action, permitting even less historical transaction data to remain on file. Since audit-trail information available on these files can be quite useful, the only time this job will be used is to save on disk space as a cost consideration. There are two ways of determining how much data to keep, as elaborated in the parameter descriptions below:

1. Transaction File Purge Cutoff Date (YYMMDD) - This date specifies the oldest value that will be allowed to remain on the transaction files once the purge has been enacted. Since it only uses a 2-digit year, it can assume the 21st century for any entry with a year less than 35 (as 1935-1936 was the formation time for the unemployment insurance system). As is evident from the example, date format edits are not overly restrictive, since 30-day months such as June can be listed with a 31st day.

2. Days of Transactions to Keep (Alternative to Date) - This is a three-digit number that can be substituted for a specific cut-off date. This method, suggested by Wisconsin, has the added advantage of maintaining a single parameter that can be reused without modification. Any numeric value can be entered as a day count for data retention. However, any value above 183 is essentially valueless, since it would represent a time span of over six months, which is the automatic cutoff for Job 001Q during the quarter shift. A sample value would be 061, to maintain a two-month transaction history. The two parameters are mutually exclusive. If both fields are entered, the date will override the day count, since they share the same parameter storage location.

Job 005D can be run at any time, but is rarely needed, since its processing is embedded automatically into the quarter shift processing of Job 001Q.

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