04 job es2j244c naics based publication report data sharing cipsea compliant

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Job ES2J244C - NAICS-Based Publication Report - For Data Sharing (CIPSEA-Compliant)

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs:

  • The programs executed for Job 244C are the same as the 244D job.

Job Features and Functions

  • Produces a NAICS based-CIPSEA compliant camera ready publication Report or file for downloading
  • Report content is determined by a group structure file that is created with Job 248D and/or the ES2U screen
  • Group structure tables are saved for re-use and can be viewed or modified in ES2U
  • Reports are for a single quarter or 2, 3, or 4 quarters
    • If more than one quarter is requested, data are averaged or totaled
  • Reports are State-wide, county or multiple MSA aggregate total
  • Job 244C pulls data from the Macro File to fit report structure defined in ES2U
  • There is an option to produce report or file output
  • Disclosure suppression for both primary and secondary disclosure is available for individual ownership code groupings of ownership 5, 3, and 2; Ownership 1 is not suppressed
  • There is an option to display either average weekly wages (AWW) or average quarterly wages (AQW) on report

The 244C job mirrors the functions of the 244D job, except that data is “fuzzied” to become CIPSEA-compliant.

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