04 job earj106d prepare survey management report demand

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Job EARJ106D - Prepare Survey Management Report (On Demand)

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs (click to link to each program description):

Job Features and Functions

Job 106D prepares the Survey SMR (Summary Management Report) as needed by the State. This report provides a status update on the progress of refiling activities. It includes the number of refiling forms mailed (which is no longer available to States in the CARS system), usable and unusable responses, counts of records by response code, counts of records with errors, etc.

Job 106D can be run on demand and includes one set of data on mailing dates, number of accounts in first mail out, a break out of single and sub-unit records by response code, including response rates. The report also includes response rates broken down by size class and NAICS sectors. The Survey SMR is created each time this job is run and is saved for use in printing the previous run’s date on each report.

Unlike Job 106M, which creates a deliverable file and a report, this job produces a report only. It does not create a file for use as a BLS deliverable; it is intended to provide refiling status information for the State refiling staff. Job 106M, on the other hand, produces both a deliverable file and a hard copy status report for submittal to the BLS Regional Office as a deliverable. The hard copy report generated by 106D is identical in format to the report produced by 106M.

Note:  For refiling years that include carryover records, it should be noted that a difference can occur in the usable response rate and the total response rate.  The total response rate formulae include all carryover records in both the numerator and denominator.  The usable response rate formulae include only carryover records that have a response code of 41, 42, 43, or 46 in both the numerator and denominator.

  • Job EARJ106D has no listed parameters.

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