04 job earj117d print nca refiling forms micro file

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Job EARJ117D - Print NCA Refiling Forms from Micro File

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs (click to link to each program description):

Job Features and Functions

Job 117D prepares the NCA forms for accounts in the Micro File which have a NAICS code of 000000 or 999999. Although the 117E job has been established for States with the capability of printing NCA forms on their State mainframe printer, it requires each file be FTP’d separately, and the State must have a host of State-specific programming established on their mainframe. It is rare that this job is used.

Job 117D prints the standard single all industry refiling form or produce a CARS File for records in the Micro File that are unclassified and not in the Refiling File. To be selected from the Micro File, records must have a NAICS code of 000000 or 999999 and not be in the Refiling File. An employment cutoff parameter is available to only print forms for records with a specified employment level or higher. The parameter should be 1 or greater, since records with zero employment or no wages in most recent 12 month period are not selected. In addition, a liability date range is available to select records to receive the form. A group of records established in ES2Z can also be used for this program to print only those records in the group, rather than all non-classified micro records.

The printed form is the BLS-designed NCA form normally used for collecting NAICS, name, and address information from non-classified employers during the refiling process. Although this job produces the non-classified refiling form, it is not intended for use in refiling, but rather as a tool to collect information from firms who remain unclassified in the Micro File, but are not being refiled. They are generally new firms that have recently been added to the Micro File through an extract from the State tax file.

For CARS States, the option exists when submitting the job to generate an NCA form file for the CARS contractor. Both the printed form and the CARS File are the standard BLS-designed NCA refiling form used for collecting industry and location information for non-classified single accounts in the Micro File that are not in the Refiling File. If choosing to produce the CARS File, CARS States must abide by a BLS schedule of when to run Job 117D and produce the file so the CARS contractor can receive all of the state’s NCA files at the same time for processing.

When the State’s CARS files are ready, BLS bundles the State’s CARS Files and transmits them to the CARS contractor. Using the file transmitted by BLS, the CARS contractor prints NCA refiling forms, mails them to employers, receives the forms returned by employers, scans returned forms, and prepares a file for each State to be processed by Job 114D. The CARS prepared file of returned NCA forms includes a response code 31, which is posted to the Micro File by Job 114D and displayed on the ES2C – PF12 screen. This prevents an additional mailing to employers with a response code of 31. The CARS contractor also sends the returned NCA forms to the States for review and determination of appropriate NAICS and/or county codes. The State reviews these forms and enters appropriate industry and/or county codes in ES2C.

Job 117D updates the NCA response code in the Micro File to keep track of the number of times the non-classified form has been mailed to the employer. Each mailing increases the NCA response code of a non-respondent by 1 until it reaches 03. Records that have a response code of 03 or 31 for CARS States will no longer have a form generated. However, Job 100A (that builds the new year’s Refiling File) will change response code 03 records to response code 13 to designate the non-respondent as a carryover type record. Job 117D will print forms for response code 13 records one-time in the new refiling year cycle and simultaneously change the response code to 04. When the response code is 04, the form will never print again. However, since the response code is displayed on the 2nd ES2C screen as an updateable field, the analyst can manually intervene and change the response code back to 01 to begin the mailing cycle over again. If Job 117D finds a valid NAICS code has been entered for a record, it changes the response code to 41 to prevent further printing of forms.

If the CARS File is chosen, it must be done on BLS’s pre-determined schedule, and a file is created and sent to CARS via BLS. The job pulls names, addresses, and EIN from the Micro File, and the MOA address (if it exists) from the MOA File. A mailing address priority option exists in the job. The AME and old codes, appearing on the form, are calculated or pulled from the Micro File for the specified quarter.

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