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Job ES2J012D - Print Multiple Worksite Report (MWR) Forms

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs (click to link to each program description):

Job Features and Functions

Job 012D generates the MWR forms for standard multiple worksite employers for initial and subsequent mailings, for non-MWR Web reporters. Non-MWR Web reporters are identified by reading the MWRWEB.req file and the Micro File for records with ‘W’ in data source field.

This job prepares an MWR for non-Federal multi worksite units that are or will be active in the reference quarter. It optionally includes those in pre-solicitation status. The status codes, liability dates, and termination dates are used by this job for record selection. Therefore, these fields must be correctly set in the Micro File. If a multi-worksite record is established on the Micro File in advance of the quarter it is to become active, the system requires that the status code of the new worksite record be set to "9" (pending). The liability date should be the year, month, and day (yymmdd) on which the record is to become active. If the multi establishment employer indicator (MEEI) for the parent record is classified as a single, prior to the reference quarter (MEEI = 1, 4, 6), it will remain a single until Job 001Q shifts the micro file into the quarter in which the multi-worksite record(s) become active. At this time 001Q will change the parent MEEI code from 1, 4, or 6 to "2". If the parent is already a master (MEEI = 2), it should remain classified as a master. In the quarterly shift process, Job 001Q will leave the master classified as MEEI 2 as long as there are active multi worksites in the specified quarter.

The system also allows a future termination date to be set in a multi worksite or other type of record. In the quarterly shift process, Job 001Q will change the status code to "2" if the termination date is prior to the reference quarter. If all worksites of a multi-family are changed to inactive (status 2), Job 001Q will also change the parent from master to single.

In addition to selecting records based on status codes, pre solicitation status, liability dates, termination dates, and leasing company indicator, this job includes options to select on ownership codes, type of coverage code, new multi families versus existing multi families, or both and for specific U-I numbers defined in the group file with screen ES2Z. These selection criteria are all set in the ES2N screen. They are designed to permit each state to make unique selections on the types or specific records to be printed on the MWR.

Job 012D also respects the mailing indicator code in the Micro File. If the multi master record mailing indicator code is set to a space or “M”, an MWR is printed. If set to an "N" an MWR will not be printed, or if it is set to “F” an MWR will be printed for first quarter only. It should be noted that this mailing code restriction is overridden by the group file selection. Under the group option, all multi UI account numbers identified in the group file will have an MWR printed regardless of the mailing indicator code.

Job 012D includes a pre solicitation option to mail MWR forms to records currently classified as singles but which are supposed to have multiple establishments. For EQUI reporting purposes, pre-solicitation subunits are treated as inactive and the master is treated as a single. This process allows users to establish multi subunits on the micro file (in pre solicitation status) prior to the first calendar quarter and mail an MWR form to them. This mailing verifies that the multi establishments actually exist and determines if the employer is willing to complete the MWR form before actually making the account an active multi.

Multi subunits established on the micro file as pre-solicitation units should be assigned an MEEI code of "4" and status code of "9". The proposed master retains an MEEI code of "1" and status code of "1". Each of the pre-solicitation subunits should be assigned a liability date of January 1 for the next calendar year or any following year. If a date other than January 1 is used, EXPO will change the month and day to January 1 and leave the assigned year unchanged. When EXPO's Job 001Q shifts the Micro File into the first calendar quarter for the specified year, the MEEI codes will be changed to "3" and the status codes will be changed to "1" for pre-solicitation subunits with reported 3rd month employment or total wage data for the first calendar quarter or any of the prior three quarters. In this case the master MEEI code will be changed to "2" and the master status would remain as "1". Multi subunits changed from pre-solicitation status to regular status, and have a county or NAICS different from the parent, are copied to the EARS refiling file by 001Q. These sub-unit records are written to the refiling file because they constitute a non-economic code change. Sub-units with no reported 3rd month employment or total wages for any of the previously mentioned four quarters (first calendar quarter of the new year or prior three quarters) will be set to inactive status and eventually be deleted from the Micro File. A report of deleted pre-solicitation sub-units is produced. If no pre-solicitation sub-units in a family have reported data, the master MEEI code is changed to "4".

Pre-solicitation sub-units with reported data are edited in the normal micro edits as regular records and appear on the Micro Edit Exception Report in the normal sort position. They are also included in the multi balance processing. If not reported, they are not processed for micro edits or multi balancing. If a pre-solicitation multi-family hasn’t reported during any of the last three quarters of the previous calendar year or during the first quarter of the new calendar year, the sub-units will be inactivated in first quarter. A warning message that this inactivation will occur is provided on the fourth quarter multi balance report. If individual pre-solicitation sub-units are added to an existing family, they will be included in the multi balance process with a warning message on the multi balance report that pre-solicitation units are included.

Estimates will not occur for pre-solicitation multi subunits. This applies to the allocation of taxable wages and contributions as well as estimates of employment and total wages.

Note that when printing pre-solicitation multi’s, the family selection value in the ES2N parameter screen should be “1”.

Job 12D is designed to interface with a State-developed laser printing program for mainframe EXPO states. The forms will print on the State’s local HP printer. For worksite records the DBA name and physical location address are first choice to print on the MWR form. If either or both do not exist in the record, the program defaults to the legal name and mailing address if address type code is '1'. For the master record, both names are used along with the address designated in the mailing address option. An internal file is generated by this job that includes a worksite record count in the master record, to determine the number of MWR forms needed for the family.

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