04 job es2j011d equi deliverable production

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Job ES2J011D - EQUI Deliverable Production

RUN THIS JOB - As required.

This job executes the following programs (click to link to each program description):

Job Features and Functions

Job 011D generates the Enhanced Quarterly U-I (EQUI) deliverable. Job 011D combined the functions of jobs 041D (rebuild the Macro File for specified quarters) and 046F (generate a Regional Office 202/CES spreadsheet file) so they would not need to be run separately. These combined functions insure the synchronization of micro and macro data at delivery time. For Service Center States, the EQUI transmittal report is automatically forwarded to the Regional Office printer.

This job is run once per quarter to meet the initial BLS deliverable. It can be run again for early-submittal States with the Update (“U”) option, to show changes that have occurred since the previous (e.g. the initial) form was produced. For all other States, it is necessary to prepare subset data using the 021F job.

The Micro File, MOA File, PSA File, and Narrative Comment File are the source input files for this job to create the EQUI. For an initial submittal of an EQUI, all active records in the current quarter are included. For each record, quarterly data fields are included along with all administrative fields. Entire records are included for both new and changed accounts. All active records are included for a quarter’s initial submittal, along with those that became inactive in the referenced quarter. Prior quarter changes are also included, but only for the immediate prior quarter on the EQUI.

A backup copy of the Micro File is automatically created and saved each time 011D is run. Changes or corrections for the cleanup EQUI are identified by comparing the current Micro with the most recent Micro File backup copy, to identify changes since the previous run of 011D. These changes can be included on a corrected EQUI at the end of the cleanup process.

If, for any reason, Job 011D is inadvertently run an extra time and an invalid backup file is created, Job 011S can be run to create a valid corrections EQUI by comparing the second generation Micro File backup copy. If the job is erroneously run more than once, call the Utah support group to arrange for the job to point to the proper Micro File backup to obtain appropriate corrections.

Records found to be deleted from the Micro File are identified on the EQUI with a ‘D’ in the transaction code. For all other EQUI record types, the transaction code is a space. The EQUI also includes a header and trailer record with State-specific edit tolerances, record counts, and other general information required by BLS.

Note:  The following correction procedure is currently replaced by use of Job 021F.  It remains here as an historical reference.

In addition to the initial EQUI, Job 011D is also used to create a corrected EQUI to reflect selected changes made during the 30-day cleanup process. The comparison of the current Micro File with the backup Micro File created with the most recent run of Job 011D makes it possible for Job 011D to identify changed Micro File records and write only those records with selected types of changes to a corrections EQUI file.

Qualified changed records are in the full 1190-byte EQUI format for the correction EQUI. A parameter is available in ES2N to distinguish between and initial EQUI and a corrected EQUI. When the parameter is set to ‘non-first time submittal’, only qualified changes are included on the EQUI, rather than the entire quarter’s data. Qualified changes for the correction EQUI include the following:

  • Current and prior quarter status code changes, such as inactivated records, new records, and re-activated records.
  • New deletes (must have been active during at least current and prior quarters).
  • New entries in the predecessor or successor fields.
  • Unclassified NAICS, county, or township codes changing to classified.

It is important to understand this correction process and the significance of the comparison of current Micro File with the most recent backup of the Micro File.

Suppose a State submits an initial EQUI based on the Micro File at point “a”. If the State proceeds to make updates for several weeks, then for some reason runs an interim 011D (which would be based on the Micro File at point “b”) but does not send BLS the EQUI updates, and then at a later point, after additional updates, runs another 011D to submit updates based on the Micro File at point “c”, only the updates that were made between point “b” and “c” are submitted. The changes made between point “a” and “b” would be lost.

It is important, therefore, to know which backup Micro File is being used for the comparison process to identify changes. Dates of each run of 011D should be documented, or reference can be made to the ‘Job Log’ file automatically maintained by EXPO. With Job 011S, it is possible to compare against one earlier generation of the micro backup file to obtain the proper comparison. In order to compare against a Micro File backup earlier than one generation back, call the Utah support group.

Multi master, single and multi-worksite type accounts are all included on the EQUI report. However, the program writes only reimbursable, experience-rated, and Federal accounts to the EQUI tape. States that collect data for non-subject establishments and store this information in the Micro File should be aware that these records are not included on the EQUI report. Exclusion of non-subject records is at BLS request.

Since the Micro File stores only two addresses, U-I address and physical address, the third address, required for the initial EQUI, comes from the MOA File. Address type codes are included for both the U-I tax address and other mailing address.

Narrative comments that were entered in the Narrative Comment File for the reference quarter are also included on the initial EQUI. These narrative comments, along with comment codes, give the State analysts ample opportunity to explain data fluctuations.

The five-digit Reporting Unit Number (RUN) in the Micro File is written to the EQUI. Values from 00001 through 99998 are acceptable in the BLS system.

Job 011D also rebuilds the Macro File for the quarters specified in the parameters. It then produces a data file for the BLS Regional Office. The file name is YBUscX.A145.Job11D.Rodata. This file is used for the CES versus EXPO (formerly 202) employment comparison spreadsheet. A spreadsheet file can also be produced by Job 046F, two weeks ahead of the initial EQUI deliverable due date.

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